Welcome to every forum ever.
well, okay, yes…what he said.
that is true, i dont think i have ever seen a thread that was normal, go on for more than 2 pages unless some e-thug starts a digital riot
yawn… guess this horse is dead
ill discuss it with ya if u want.
Well, there is going to be a second rendition of this in about a month, I have a trooper and a sherriff putting in tips as well, I also want suggestions from drivers, of things they have noticed helps keep the tin off your back
My dad told me about this list he read on yahoo, this is a list of cars that are more likely to be stopped by the police. It mentioned the Hummer, and ALL of the Scions. From personal experience, I think a lot of is it visual. You don’t really have to be speeding or weaving in and out of traffic to get stopped. I’ve been stopped going just under the speed limit and when I said that “No, I don’t know why you pulled me over”, I got this as a reply " I did not see your seatbelt". Okay, it makes sense right? Let me give you a background of how this one occured. This was before I bought my current car. I had a bright arrest-me-red 98 Eclipse. It was low to the ground, with nice wheels and an exhaust. Typical “punk kid” car. There was no tint on the windows. The car itself was VERY low. The top of the curve of the roof is about 4 foot of the ground. Either way you look at it, youre looking down and into it. It has BIG doors and BIG windows. The interior is grey, so my seatbelts were the same. At the time when I got stopped, I was wearing a BRIGHT orange jacket, with the silver seatbelt across my chest. The seatbelt also had a big bright red/black/silver/white shoulder pad(so the seat belt wouldnt rub). This is a VERY high color contrast situation here. If I was next to your typical car on the road, I could see the headlinder of the car next to me and the passengers of the other car would be looking down into my car. There was no way the officer didnt see my seatbelt. The first one or two times I didnt think anything of it, but after the 4th-5th time I got really suspicious about this “reason” they gave me, so that they could stop me, run my plates, check my registration, check my insurance, check my drivers license, lean in and look around my car with a flashlight. This didnt happen with the same officer. This happened with a different officer every time at different locations. Now, I drive a family sedan. It’s a rather plain looking vehicle, not really associated with the age group I’m in. At this point, I have had this car for about as long as my previous one and I have not gotten stopped with a made up excuse. If anything, they really cant see my seatbelt in this car because of my tinted windows.
Cliffnotes for Mr. Fizzle: Drive an old rich man’s car, ditch the youth-popular one.
at least benny does it with class.
makes a post attempting to breath life into the thread…
I pass a court house on my way to work in the mornings. right before 8 am theres a line of people by the door. most of the time its guys 16-20 years of age that all look the same. like a dozen of them each time. talk about profiling, huh?
No kidding… One of the reasons I stopped getting my balls busted was when i stopped wearing a hat while i drive
Daily hat wearer here, I drive by cops all the damn time.
Ill say it again:
I got my new truck 6 weeks ago…was pulled over 4 times in the first 3 weeks… no tix, but i decided to add a front plate and cut the tint off the top 3/4 of my drivers window… and I stopped getting pulled.
I want to see your truck.
the list left off one good tip…if you have a big wing on your car take it off…
4:20 tomorrow
ruthless lung damage
it twas a yoke