15 yr old kid stole my brother's 03 suburban..

quick quote from my bro

shaffer family ride

Kinda strange I’m sending this hugh…Our 2003 suburban-family ride,
got stolen 2 days ago-2 young kids(they didn’t get hurt)-they drove the
wheels off it(literally), in and out of ditches-after hitting many steel
poles; they hit a telephone pole(you can see in the pics below)-laid it on
its side and torched it with there own cute little can of gas-burned it to a
crisp as you can see from the pics below…notice the melted wheels,
transfer case, diff, and trainy-----try to find the engine and control
column…I would say that these suburbans are very safe considering
the fact those kids didn’t have a scratch on them…unfortunately, they
have no remorse for what they did…we were very lucky they got
caught…the cop said this was the first time in 9 years he has ever
caught anyone…the pics are right below of the damage…scroll
down a little…


anyway to fill in the rest of the story behind this… these punks… 15 yr old. AKA STUNT DRIVER… and his buddy… 17 YR OLD… some how got into my brother’s house in texas… AND STOLE THE KEY’S… a week prior to the burban getting stolen… THE WIFE has to drive my brother’s big lifter jeep to work in which hasn t been drivin in 2 yrs! and they fought about who lost the key’s… bla bla bla… mean while the wife’s 05 gtp was getting fixed in the shop…

any way… the key’s came up missing and then a week later… the burban was gone in the morning! the kids stole it and joy rided the fuck out of it… hitting the metal poles and jumping it through ditches’ [police report] then ending the joy ride into a telephone poll in which flipped it on its side!!

then as usaul took there gas can and burnt it to a crisp… NOW … HOW DUMB DO YOU GET… when you commit a crime… the first thing anyone should do is burn all the evidence! right? not there dumbass teens’… they decided to walk down the road carrying a freaking gas can!! hahah


ANYWAY the kid’s won t talk… THERE in custody’ and the insurance is covering it but what sucks is it was almost paid off… and now they gott abuy a new one… so what they have to do is sue the kids’ parent for what ever the insurance doesn t cover!!

CRAZY WORLD… its funny to sit back and look at the picture of something i cruised for a week… and now its toast… :blue:

that thing had dvd player and 9 inch screen’s for the freaking kidS!!! let alone every option possible…

the motor practically melted away!! and if you look the pole cracked up the transfer case!!

that’ll buff right out.

pewter should have parts to fix.lol

why isnt the grass burned?

dam,but i can fix it!:smiley:


that sucks doug

a 13yr old kid stole my cousins aurora

first thing the police do after the accident’s been reported? haul it to a local junk yard… or impound…

drop it off at pewter’s, he can fix ANYTHING

are 60th trimester abortions legal in Texas???

those kids there just need fucking shot. no questions asked just shoot them. todays kids are just punks and bitches. you steal a car you need shot. easy as that. and they should also get charged for breaking and entering of their home. another offense. i dont feel no remorse for car thieves. if in a car and one died great, they deserve it. fucking bastards these days, and now some of us got to worry about wantabe gang members starting shit in local towns. these little bastards are like 15-20 get a life!!!

it’s not just kids today, it has always happenend. But I agree they should be shot. But we will pay for them to be in jail so they can be “reformed”. what a fucking joke

like i said shoot these fuckers!!!

i’ll second that

in texas, if your brother or sister in law would have caught them in the act of stealing it, they could have legally shot them. :reloading

fuck shooting them…off with their heads!!!

i say torture them a lil while.u know start shooting them in there feet and work ur way up let them know what pain is about

:kekegay: Texas: Where there is no “death row”