150+ MPH

Back in the day, i got my old bonnevile up to 110, not a very aerodynamic car, as i felt the entire car shift with the air pocket, i slowed down and was very frightened.

Was in a caddy to 140, felt as good as throwing a brick. MOMENTUM!

neh…thats just GM quality for ya :stuck_out_tongue:

True…takes quality to get a car to do 170…things like NA Z’s need not apply. :stuck_out_tongue:

you can die

not sure about 150… but right around 80 the floor panels will fall out

u could blow the welds on ur intake at 150


Esp when the top is down :hang:

my palms get sweaty

hmmm my car only does 85 ;). Have done 150+ before. kinda scary. (not in my car, wont disclose whose car, but it was fast).

I dont know… that takes balls

I’ve been up to around 120 or so before and didnt want to push it anymore… too many things can go wrong and at that speed and it’s most likely going to be fatal. too little time to react

u could blow the welds on ur intake at 150

werd… then ya got to get the mad scientist to tear down the engine and replace the rings you fried

not good :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d be stupid to try to go that fast anywhere around here.

i take my accord to 120 all the time is no biggie…

just make sure your not following me cuz your car will slip and you will die
thats how bad i be shitting my self at that speed with my car, now my old vette i did around 158 for around 9 seconds i dont think it was going to go any further so i let go
but car was real stable, but it felt funny.

yea i had my car at 110 at TMP and it was still pretty scary on a race track

I did 180 in my dad’s car and he was so confident in his vehicle he was searching through the glove box looking or some gum or something, no worries. :smiley:

Basically if you are worried, don’t do it. By posting this it sounds like you are afraid to do it, and that is where problems happen. Driver error is a way bigger deal at high speeds.


WNY roads suck

What is the purpose of this question?

what kind of car does ur dad drive? a ferrari?

im not worried about doing it, nor did i saw i was… just curious of the facts.


What kind of car was it??? 180 is flying:eek:

The mirrors get really, really loud.
I have done 165 and the sound was something I hadn’t considered, it is surprisingly loud.


Granted 130 in the Taurus was smooth I wouldn’t dare go faster.

And you wach your gas gage go down like you just sprung a leak.