16 yrs old in need of a job!!

no skool tomm for me exam week


your one of those kids that looks 13. I see some of these kids driving and wonder, wait, how are you old enough to drive.

Alright, exams are a big portion of your grade. Open your books.

You have 5 mins until disconnect.

Go study.

The internet and myspace will still be here tomorrow. I promise. Good night.

thanks for posting that alot of potential oppertunities

im 6,3 and i look a lil older now lol

i dont sit on myspace lol


Steve… GO TO BED.

See, i already know your name. I have your mom’s number sitting here too.

lmao im curious post it then

ohh and heres another one…


i definatly like the pic of the welder anyone else notice where he had the ground hooked to?? its probably hooked to his creeper

ground wasnt hooked up yet that pic was b4 i finished cuttign out the last of the rust or welding yet i just wanted a pic of me with my gun. thats my personal welder for at home i have access to much larger migs stick and a tig at my cousins work if i need to use them for a larger job( i still suck at tig though)

well im off to bed so cya

that shits not easy if i was you i would stick to something you can handle. there arnt alot of places to hire 16 year olds. i worked on a farm pickin strawberries as my first job. so tops for you is not a bad place to start.

sorry, i didn’t mean to get you in trouble with your mom…

but thanks for listening to us.

good night steven.

^ i think you should stfu and go to bed before i call YOUR mom http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/koolaid.gif

stay outta his THREAD mike. He’s looking for a job. He needs to do good in school to find one. I have the right intentions.

GOOD NIGHT :slight_smile:

look mike, i don’t wanna see more sweet smileys like that until i gain access to some myself.

i think you need to hush up once in a while

and by once in a while, i mean quite frequently. psychopjv seriously just pwned you, your dog, and even some deceased great-grandparents with his previous post and you still keep talking like you can come back from that. again, hush up and get back to the job search.

lotta of swinging dicks in here