19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

Bitch thats life. It starts with the first toy someone took from your hands in pre-school and will continue till the day you die. Respectable people learn how to deal with it in a respectable manor. And more importantly good people with morality and self-esteem ignore the UNTRUE comments people make towards them, like Faggot, Shit head, drop dead, etc. People who fail at life feed off that stuff and make it compound, much like that dumbfuck (thats true, I gave evidence on post 38 & 40) that is running the “free Justin…” face book page, just keep fueling a failing fire.

If thats the case, then why even post ANYTHING back here??? Either that first bolt statement is a lie, or you cant accept it in your head and you keep “fighting back”?

Second bolt part. Again, talk to the idiot thats running that “free justin” page. Because thats EXACTLY what they are doing. Hiding behind a screen name. Deleting people comment, most I saw that were not ill directed towards Justin at all! just becasue he has the “power to”. If it doesnt agree with the idealistic bullshit they are shoveling it gets erased. I was on there using my full fucking name. More than once I wished EVERYONE, including your 10 year old kid goodwill, all I made comment towards your entire situation was to show you thick headed people YOU ALL NEED TO SHAPE UP. not just Justin. You ALL look absolutely, flat out, ridiculously STUPID. Clinging on to “we all make mistakes, it was an accident”, that never even needed to be stated, its fucking implied. When what should be being talked about and discussed on these media outlets are WHAT THE FUCK YOU PEOPLE WILL DO NEXT TO GET OVER THIS HURDLE IN LIFE!!! Not once did I see a single POSITIVE thing come from any of his “supporters” mouths.

Take a good hard look at yourselves. like I am damn sure Justin has himself in the last few days. CHANGE YOUR FUCKING LIFE FOR THE BETTER.

So do I. 3 miles away in ft. johnson. Where the impact was, is straight as an arrow. Take the slight bend, straighten out and boot it, you will hit 100 by the end easily. If you want, I will shoot some video in my car to prove it… road conditions, and “friends” swerving at him fucking around has zero to do with the casue of the accident. They are excuses.

fuck you John. Not only did you buy into it too and post on their shit page right along side me, you are posting here against Bitch and all this shit too. I am sorry I get emotionally attached to things in my community. I am sorry I give enough of a shit in my life to atleast attempt to help someone going through hell instead of sitting idly by. The only thing I ever said against the kid was he drove like an asshole and diservers to pay the punitive price. The rest of my typical mike comments were hoping that the people involved might open their eyes to what the fuck is going on around them and attempt to cut the trashy behavior out of their lifes some how.

This world is fucked up, and the communities are tearing themselves apart around us. This is just one example. The more sheep that sit, point and laugh yet do nothing are only making it worse. I could give a fuck if people dont like my “rant” like post, here, there or anywhere. Maybe if people started reading them and seeing what I am trying to say, something might change. If one motherfucker somewhere said “you know what KK is right, I better cut the shit”… my job is done.

Yeah i am pissed.