19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

People who are ignorant to this, I kindly ask you to think about your childhood and compare it to now.

I graduated in 2001. I cant remember even ONE of my friends getting arrested. I think there was 1 girl that got pregnant. Fights here and there, but no weapons. Nobody even tagged shit around town with spraypaint, never had anything stolen from me or my family.

10 years later I look at my little sisters class. A bunch of her “friends” have been arrested/ brought in and released being under age. MANY girls are pregnant in her class. Metal detectors were put in becasue of weapons issues. City is covered in dumb fucking spraypaint shit. And I had a car and a dirbike stolen/broken into & stolen, friends houses have been broken into, kids throwing rocks through their windows for fun, etc. My mother and aunt are in the school district for my home town. Once a week she tells me stories about the police having to come in her elementary school dealig with little kids bringing knives and GUNS to school, swearing like a sailor to teachers, FIGHTING with teachers, threating to kill other kids, etc.

Its disgusting.

Bette yet, bets on kid get tried for more than one offense, that should carry 10 years, gets convicted of one, gets 6 months in jail and is released in 2.