19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

im 20 and i dont drive in situations were i know something that bad can come from it… but RIP to the boy who lost his life, and help the girl with a speedy recovery, i hope the driver learns from this mistake no matter what peneltys he gets

People who are ignorant to this, I kindly ask you to think about your childhood and compare it to now.

I graduated in 2001. I cant remember even ONE of my friends getting arrested. I think there was 1 girl that got pregnant. Fights here and there, but no weapons. Nobody even tagged shit around town with spraypaint, never had anything stolen from me or my family.

10 years later I look at my little sisters class. A bunch of her “friends” have been arrested/ brought in and released being under age. MANY girls are pregnant in her class. Metal detectors were put in becasue of weapons issues. City is covered in dumb fucking spraypaint shit. And I had a car and a dirbike stolen/broken into & stolen, friends houses have been broken into, kids throwing rocks through their windows for fun, etc. My mother and aunt are in the school district for my home town. Once a week she tells me stories about the police having to come in her elementary school dealig with little kids bringing knives and GUNS to school, swearing like a sailor to teachers, FIGHTING with teachers, threating to kill other kids, etc.

Its disgusting.

Bette yet, bets on kid get tried for more than one offense, that should carry 10 years, gets convicted of one, gets 6 months in jail and is released in 2.

^i forgot about that dirtbike. did you ever find it?

like nick hogan?

I dunno, but its EXACTLY like Anthony Bruschi the kid that broken into my Jetta and vandolized Albany Speed to the tune of over $20K. Got tried for 3, C felonies, one stuck, should carry a 1-3, got 6 months, was released in twenty something days!

System if grossly flawed.

Nope, not a word. Should have spent $3500 on a flame throwing, laser guided home security system instead of another dirtbike at the time! lol

i just wanna add that i am justins aunt an he is dealing with what has happened an if this has never happened to you are very lucky…this boy has to live with this for the rest of his life …his best friend was killed in his car due to a mistake…he did not mean to take anyones life …yes speed is a factor to this whole thing an in the end if you all keep your eyes an ears open you will hear the real deal of what happened when the investagation is over …right now you are all going by what you have heard an seen in newspaoers …but let me add there is more to every story an the truth will come out …so let the investigators due there jobs…an you will see okay…there where others involved in this issue an soon you will all know who the blame should go on okay…i am not here trying to offend or defend anyone …but please just listen …justice will come to who it needs to soon enough

Shut up , what can possibly change ? He was speeding , lost it and killed someone …

i am not a dumb bitch

when did you become the judge…you are not god…so get over yourself

he has not been charged with anything@JVG

go away shelly.

@COSSEY hes not going to do a day in jail so go get your shit pushed


@v8lonoma i do not have to go away …i am sick of people running there mouths when they do not know what is going on at all

tired of this “you dont know the whole story” BULLSHIT. it happened in an other thread also.

IF there is more to the story then post the real story, or STFU.


thats up to the investigatars nows not you or myself …i just know what s going on i am his aunt

well be back tomorrow an see what you all have to say …i have a life an it does not mean sitting on a pc all day

Youre just fanning the flames. No one cares if you come back. Truth.
