19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

In for pictures.

If she is 26 and went to Amsterdam, Broadalbin or Johnstown highschool, then claims she is Ms. Yung… I have my references to prove/disprove that.

Thats the same age as my wife (AHS), and a friend the same age from BP, and my cousin that age who went to JHS. so +/-4 years I have plenty of yearbooks they can look through for me.

im with KK on this one.

I predict yung will be her married name as a coverup. In which case I’m sorry your husband has a small package.

hell just froze over people, KK has a new supporter! LOL

Here’s some more info from the local news paper. It looks like charges will be filed once the crime scene has been reconstructed.

Charges have not yet been filed because the investigation is ongoing, Fulton County District Attorney Louise Sira said Friday morning.

“With a case of this nature, the accident reconstruction can be complicated and take a lengthy period of time. There’s just a lot of investigative work that has to be done before charges are contemplated.”

“When the grand jury convenes, there will be evidence presented to them by the district attorney,” Lorey said. “That probably won’t be for a couple of weeks, but that will be when something takes place.”

I hope the DA fries this kid.



Won’t be going to jail because the family of the deceased won’t be filing charges?!?!? Lolz

What rock do you live under? Yeah, I’m sure the police/DA won’t be bringing up charges of their own. Again, :retardclap

They should put a pole on top of that kids mustang and swing him from it by his balls so when an if hes released from prison he cant reproduce any more dipshits from his gene pool

Yeah that reasoning makes me lol

Vlad, this is America. Do as you please.

actually theres tons of them and they buy tons of shit hole buildings to form their buddhist cults. Its been in the paper.

wheres Bitch? :dunno

You’re rationalizing this by implying Justin sped his car up to a high rate of speed and passed two other cars on accident? As soon as he hit 56mph…he became 100% responsible for everything that happened to everyone involved. How do you and everyone that are on Justin’s “side” not understand that?

Nailed it.

anyone hear if they charged is scumbag yet.

Nothing yet. I believe they’ll be convening a grand jury end of this week or next. They’re taking their time, making sure they don’t miss anything. If I had to guess he’ll be used as an example. This type of behavior has gone on unchecked for way too long in this area. I know because it used to be me doing stupid shit out there, though we were never this dumb about it.

^ + Rep for updating.

im sure there gonna make a example out of him , the s.r scene got hammered hard and now they have a legit accident to show the downfall and why they dont want it . yeah kid isnt gonna have a good few yrs

Doesnt even have to do with racing, just in general it seems over the past few years more kids doing stupid shit showing off etc around here and around the country and killing themselves or their friends. While it has not gone unnoticed it has certainly been handled lightly it seems. Some of these kids got off with a slap on the wrist. Some would think the guilts enough, but this generation is full of a bunch of shallow desensitized idiots. Something like this will hopefully show a few addolecent retards that they really need to take a few seconds and think about what might happend before they mash the gas pedal to look cool for some bitch in the back seat.

THat UK commercial someone posted a long while back, the the evanessence song in the back showing crashed and people dieing needs to be show on tv more often. I get choked up everytime I see that commercial thinking about people I have heard about or know of getting into accidents like these

Now taking bets on how long it’ll take for this kid to get his shit pushed in during his stay in prison.