19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

Can we do a sit-in at the trial?

i’m in. It’s to bad I have had jury duty within the last 5 years already. This would be way better then the trial i sat in for the third strike douchebag that was heading to jail anyway.

shift 518 sit in? we’ll roll up like a fuckin boss

I wouldnt recommend a sit in, a pack of retards from amsterdam would probably kamikaze a bakers dozen of fox bodies and third gens into the courthouse with some kid rock blaring in the background.

Plus most of us would be held in contempt of court when we speak up during sentencing.



BITCH, do you find this video funny:


Please do.
Pics or ban.

its the am…still dont see any nudes!

I have aparently 8 pages to catch up on… But I will start here.

Here you go.

Does that help???

I cant wait to see what the other 8 pages have in store. :popcorn

No pics. Wtf.


thats all I have to say.

Sofar. :slight_smile:

Forgot one thing.

You are 26 you say? Did you go to amsterdam highschool too?

LOL everyone knows there are no asians in Amsterdam

and she is not 26. If I had to guess maybe 12 given the way she speaks on here. She makes Slomarro look like a english teacher haha

/\ Nolan photoshop John flashing tits next to Daves mustang leaning on a teachers desk infront of a classroom of students!

I can picture it in my head and it would be fucking EPIC!

Just read all 17 pages and have been rofl’ing the whole time. As a Johnstown native I know those roads very well and I can tell you that anyone who was able to land that car in that position in front of that particular house can never claim to be innocent, especially someone who’s been involved in accidents in the past.

When does this thread go to Epic? It’s like a best of mix between tazers and sister fucker.

Might turn epic when the oompa loompa decides to try to pass of photoshoped pictures of teen summer off as her holding a validation sign

Or if she just tries to pull some myspace angle shit and fail miserably :rofl

she will get the pics posted as soon as middle school lets out.