19 yearold kills friend, showing off in his Mustang GT in Fulton County

pics of tits or gtfo

Just start banning these trolls.
These “theres more to teh story, i noow cuz im his nephews mama second aunts daughters cousin” are worse than spambots. Go away, no-one here cares about what you have to say.

Only if you have a bunch of bleeding-heart friends, family, family of friends and friends of family to spam message boards for you, otherwise no.

Giving them shit provides me a good bit of entertainment. Can’t wait to here theses yahoos go off when the investigations over and charges are filed.

This …

Shut the fuck up you inbred twat




Fixed for those of us who don’t speak redneck.

there werent others involved. Only one person was driving and it was his fault regardless of who was in the car with him.

was he on pcp too?! fuck that shit’s been getting around.

Does anybody remember Nick Hogan supra accident?

Reckless driving and permanately disabling his friend got him 8 months in jail, probation for 5 years and loss of license for 3 years.

… And this case is worse.


…and that was with the best lawyers Hulk Hogan’s money could buy.

There was a local case where reckless driving that ended up killing a bicyclist also ended the driver in jail and I believe a loss of license.

Aunt, you better take out a loan for a good lawyer.

There is one lawyer that could get him out of it…but hes dead.



he was on the apg forums i believe. Accident was on riverview road right?

thank you…do they not have schools in Fulton County??


wow, just updated myself on this thread from page 7…these family/friends of this dumbass really need to go for a walk outside their trailer park and open their eyes…this is the real world, he’s going to spend a long time in jail as “Fat Bob’s little bitch”