1993 Corrado SLC VRT

Strong, serious

117 sounds about right,you can prob get 118 out of it

not bad buddy…

without a doubt. I coasted for ~100 feet To the finish because it wouldn’t go into 5th. After I removed the shift linkage weight (what stopped me from grabbing 5th) I did another run that did something to the mbc and I was only able to make 15psi for the rest of the day. The rest of my runs were 14.4-14.8 @104-108). I got pretty consistent at launching…wasnt a great launch, but I was able to repeat.

Thanks guys, if I get some time and get it running at 20 again I’m sure I’ll be at lvd this summer.
Track conditions were that great, no signs of prep and it was 40 out. Pretty sure I was fighting traction (mostly losing) on every 60’. The track is kind of a joke, no tech, no helmet requirement, and 1 guy was running grid and the tree.


why are you going into 5th? what final drive do you have? at 7grand on a 3.38:1 in 4th you should have more than enough gear to see 120

I was wondering the same.

If hes going into 5th, thats some damn short gearing…I mean hell, I go through in 3rd with 200rpms to spare.

Corrado O2A gear set code CDM (1) 3.300 (2) 1.944 (3) 1.308 (4) 1.034 (5*) 0.795 (F) 3.647.

*5th is from a tdi to lower highway speeds.

The trans has a short geared set in it from the factory. I shift because I have to. ~112 is 6200rpm in 4.

Make sense?

Edit for more info since I know someone is going to check:

6200rpm redline

205/50/15 is a 23.08" dia tire. Poor mans gearing change is just a bigger or smaller tire dia change. for $100 you could get some cheap tires with a bigger dia and effectivly lenghten each gear. with a 24.5 or 25" dia tire you will pick up 3-5 mph I bet, so you might be able to keep it in 4th across the line.

what R&P is in that dif?

Thanks for the info. I’m not all that concerned about the trap speeds. Only posted as a result and to settle the hp dispute in here. That would def be an easy fix to stay in 4th.

No idea on the RP. I’ll have to look thaT up

nice mph dude… ever think of bumping up the limiter a little bit and letting her eat it in 4th?

can you do that with vagcom? If yes, then I def would. I ran it at 7200 when it was NA and cammed using the TT chip, I didn’t know I could do it for the c2 software.

not sure- i think its written into the sw so you would have to send the ecu back out to c2.

just call c2 they’re good guys.

Will do, and no, sorry no videos.

Rev the car. 6200??? Why would you rev to 7200 na and only 6200 with boost? You’re giving up alot. That gearing is nearly identical to what my 02J was. I had the 3.65:1 FD and I could do 115 in 3rd at 7500. So subtract the difference in tire size and you should be good for about 130 in 4th gear.

Posted with TouchBB on my iPhone

I rev mine to 7000, stock red line is 6800 IIRC

holy shit man 6200 is low. Raise that bitch. I even rev my 346ci too 6900. Revv limiter is at 7.


For a motor originally designed to be a diesel, 6200 is pretty high.

You’re trapping more than most cars on this forum, you’re doing something right. If what you said is true, this car is a 120+player, I’m impressed.