More rice on that Corvette, than on all the Civic’s on his site :wtf :nuts
Dude, c’mon…in the end… It’s still a Corvette!!! : :idiots
More rice on that Corvette, than on all the Civic’s on his site :wtf :nuts
Dude, c’mon…in the end… It’s still a Corvette!!! : :idiots
thats great. dosent mean it was cheep. anyone could do that with the right parts. what are you getting at?
No It was cheap also :lol
I think I’m missing something here, but what’s riced out on pantsparty’s vette? I’ve only seen it once in the dark at LVD, but I didn’t notice anything blatantly obvious…
whats so rice about the things he bought off ebay? whats wrong with ebay parts to begin with? My Whole entire turbo V6 was built off ebay. Every single race quad I have built/owned was built off ebay, along with my fathers and my sisters dirtbikes. There is nothing wrong with ebay builds.
atleast your learning…
imo ebay performance parts=rice and the blacked tails= rice.
And not one single thing on my car is from ebay…so yea.
It’s lowered on stock bolts/suspension and it has smoked tails. Call that rice if you want. But w/e.
There is NOTHING PERFORMACE done to my car. Maybe you should study the thing you are arguing against before you argue.
im sorry I dont study rice I ignore it.
exactly…its your opinion…not a fact…didnt know tinted tail lights were rice…guess thats news to me?
seem’s like you dont really know the definition of rice, and your throwing it around like you do.
HAHA. So make sure you ignore Tony’s C6 Z06 because he has smoked tails and is lowered on stock bolts.
what?! you honda lovers are just getting mad since he is bashing your cars and since you are all incredibly immature and feel the need to bash him back…you are REALLY stretching it by calling his car rice cause of some blacked out tails.
I like tinted tails… :ponder
ok I will.
he hasnt bashed my honda yet?? then again I really could care less if he does.
here you go BITCHEN…found the definition for rice for ya!
It seems to me that everyone has a different opinion on what it means to be rice. But is there a definition that everyone agrees on??? posted by elchango36
Well, according to the guy who invented teh modern version of the term (and the website everyone copied,, it’s someone who makes a slow car look liek a race car with either fake parts, improperly installed parts, or just stickers for parts they don’t have. Or teh wrong badging, trying to look like a faster example of a car. THEN (and this is most important) they have the attitude that their fake race car is faster than anything else.
Customizing isn’t ricing. '40s, 50’s and '60s customs are not rice, even though the vast majority of mods are purely cosmetic. They aren’t trying to look like race cars (ricer isn’t just an indication of asian cars or asian drivers, but a spinoff of the word “racer.”) So custom modern cars that aren’t trying to look like race cars aren’t necessarily rice, even if built from commonly riced cars.
Rice is also not a fast car that actually HAS the parts the stickers say. Basically, if it can “back up” the race look with real performance, it’s not rice, even if you think it’s tacky looking. Rice is, after all, about fake performance and the attitude that a slow car is actually faster than everything else.
It was indeed a racial term, made up by a Korean to put down the wannabe poseurs in the “AzYn PrYd” community. Riceboy and Ricer as terms for car enthusaists, came fom that website and his message board regulars back in the early '90s (which I was a member of), and it had it’s derivations from the older “rice rockets” term given by bikers for the japanese sport bikes (which were also often racer replicas).
woah. the first thing i said when you got that car was lower it and tint the tails.
i got HELL for that comment. even you said they look stupid.
and well you tinted them anyways,
So how about that neon build? :lol
McBitchin your handle fits you perfect. If I havn’t said anything to you then why the fuck are you on my shit. The ONLY thing I can think of is that your a jealous little prick.
Hooked on 240…I have a eibach pro kit and Bilstein shocks on the way…springs will be here tomarrow…its gonna lower me around 2" up front…1.8" on the rear.
im not bashing you just stating what i said but its wierd. i say something, get bashed, and then months later find out my idea got used by the owner. :ponder . but i love your car, soooo :hug