1997 Neon Build-Up.

Big red offered to paint my tail lights for me…I painted the spoiler one and my side markers the other day…still hafto do my front corner lights…

but yah…plans change lol

Rice boy hall of shame: http://www.riceboypage.com/index.html

find the threads of people bashing you for suggesting blackened tails… I don’t believe you at all.

I remember many people suggesting the tinted tails and many suggesting stock tails. It was a pretty even sided and it def was considered “rice”. Don’t see how one person can get bashed when many others felt the same way. I call your BS, again.

How was it your idea? he actually had tinted the tails on his turbo v6 camaro too.

Sounds completely NOT rice to me. There’s good eBay parts and bad eBay parts. Check this out, better than a $1,999 header that has the exact same power gains…


Not that that even relates to pantspartys car (forgot your name…) because he doesnt have a single ebay part on his car. I think mcbitchin needs to take a few steps back and realize that he’s calling a corvette with smoked tails rice.

first… :haha at your emuscles. your a tool. shut up.

1 first one to mention it on here, wansnt my idea perse.

2 go look for it your god damn self, if you care that much.

stfu and get up off the computer to the world outside myevoiscrazyfastandihavesmallpenis.com

yeah butttt he never said his “evo was crazy fast” :confused

calling out your bullshit has nothing to do with e-muscles, you idiot. You spew the most BS on this forum and you know it… don’t get all whiney with me cause I call you out on your stupid claims.

prove you were the first one to mention it on here first. You are the one claiming ownership of an idea that has been done for decades, so it’s up to you to prove it, not me to prove your wrong.

does your car even run? stfu. the evo isn’t crazy fast and my penis is larger than average. Unlike you, I can prove my claims if you wish.

ughhh Really??? In another project/build thread :idiots :deadhorse

why would you say this? his car is worth more and could get more in on trade then yours ( not that it means anything). his car fit his needs perfectly just as does your vette.

Drew- car looks nice with the tails smoked, what i would do now is paint the exhaust black too so it flows a bit more!

just the edges thou

I was the first one to say that Pants Party is ricing out his Corvette. It clearly isn’t true, but the reason I said this is because it really pisses me off how he always says “it’s still a honda… or it’s still a neon.” While his car is “still a Corvette.” Well guess what? NOBODY respects YOU for your car… they can like and respect the car, while still thinking you are a tool. Secondly, the stories about your car getting you all this pussy are absolute bullshit. Your constant bragging about your car, guns and girls gives me the impression that you are a tad insecure. Thirdly, you come off as a huge douche bag online because of your super duper Corvette elitist attitude. YOU OWN A BASE MODEL, NOBODY CARES. You have no grounds to bash anyone else’s build because I know for a fact that you have no idea to do any work to your own vehicle. So keep on going to the dealership to get your oil changes and air filters, put your black stickers on your lights and stay out of people’s build threads if you are going to brag about your Corvette constantly.


exhaust was black when I got the car…you couldnt even see the damn exhaust. I polished them up…I like them polished.


:banana oh snnnaaaaapppp

… :+1

im staying out of this but FYI…he doesnt own the base model…his is a FRC.

sorry, base model with no t tops

YOU are…

WRONG. I don’t need to prove that I get pussy with my vette. I don’t even care about that. What I do care about is someone making absurd claims about people when they know NOTHING about them. For example, you saying that I have no idea how to do anything to my car? HAHA OMFG that is funny. I just got done swapping my buddies twin turbos on his vr4. By myself. No daddy to help me. If you have ever worked on a VR4 then you would know it is easier to pull and rebuild the engine on most cars than it is just to change the water pump on this car. My car will never go to a dealer for minor things and I do it all on my own. If you need proof, Vlad will glady back it up since he know’s what I did for the 3S community by starting a DIY website so people could work on their cars on their own with the help of the videos, that I MADE.

So STFU because now you sound stupid.

Expecially when you say that my car is the base model. Again. WRONG. It is the FRC or the predecessor to the Z06. It comes standard with the Z51 package, Active Handling, 6-speed only trans, 100 lbs lighter and 30% stiffer than the “base” model corvette. A rare model also. So before you turn this into a you got owned thread STFU.

news to me…I have yet to see a C5 with t-tops! that would be SUPER rare!

they never made a T-top vette…

I can’t wait to see you in person again. It will be interesting to say the least.

…how come?