1998 cobra build thread

It probably went in before the spark plug.

Definitely wouldn’t fit through the plug threads.

It’s gotta be close. lol. I was being sarcastic, but it did remind me of something.

I was actually thinking of a trick the guys do with a penny on injector cups on a powerstroke. A penny is just the right size to fit in the bottom and prevent the brass shavings from the tap from entering the cylinder… some asshole on the forum lost a couple dimes doing it wrong.

Haha. That is sucha disaster in the making.

I expect pictures of tomorrows adventures, btw.

i didnt take any pictures bc its nothing really special. i got the pistons and rods and everything else off the block and stripped. i was surprised to find the rest of the motor in very good shape. the #8 rod bearing was scored up a tiny tiny lil bit, but after finding the coin in there i figured the piston woulda been shot. the rings moved fine, no crushed ringlands, so scored cylinders or anything. just need to pull the crank and its ready to go to the machine shop for the rest of the work.

i just ordered a buncha ARP hardware, and i got the COP elimination harness this week too. so i gotta nice lil pile of parts stacking up.

Ford must have had some Crackheads working in the SVT Division back in 1998. Here is one for you to go with your Dime. Bought a new 98 Contour SVT and that thing was a Lemon. My wife was pregnant and heard a loud thump in the front tire, it went flat and she pulled into the closest shop. The guy called me and told me to come over he had never seen anything like this in his 35 years as a Mechanic. He said take a look and whats wrong with this picture? It was a screwdriver sticking out of the tire. It was left in the tire and punctured the tire from inside out. Ford replaced the tire. Then a couple months later I was parked and the car acted like it was possessed the radio blared, the horn blasted, the sunroof opened. They mounted the main wiring harness in between the back seat, not under it, so it rubbed the wires off and shorted the whole cars electrical system. My wife was using the back seat for my sons car seat so she was fraying the wires every time she put my kid in the seat. Needless to say that car didnt last long.

cop like police?

coil over plug

Why would you eliminate the coil on plugs? I thought they were supposed to be better.

im doing the COP swap purely for cosmetics. i got that entire mk8 motor for less than the cost of doing the COP swap. if it doesnt workout ill swap the harnesses and put the coil packs back on. its a plug and play deal now.

back from the dead! this was why my motor was 70% low on compression in this cylinder. compression was 50% low on the neighbor cylinder. these motors are notorious for this. i cant explain why, but i have the feeling it was somehow related to a $1.29 checkvalve that i put in the valve cover on this bank to keep from pressuring the crankcase, but also served a dual purpose as a deadhead. the other bank with a normal vent into the intake was perfect. oh well.

forged goodies are on the way, and so is a 2.9" pulley.




i hope to have the motor back in 2 weeks, plus 2 weeks for engine assembly and etc. then i gotta do the entire calibration over again as im switching maf tubes from 3 to 4" to rock the smaller pulley.

Solid carnage!

I’ll be over September 1st for my WOT pulls

youve had WOT pulls! hope to make it back to the track before the end of the season. id like to run 11.XX before i pulley down.

Irrelevant statement is irrelevant.

That is probably what the dime was for…

I think that was a different motor…


The dime was in the motor being built. This motor was taken apart for the forged crank only. Ha.