These are just the performance parts. This doesn’t include all the small stuff like gaskets and waterpump and starter or a very expensive wiring harness. But just to make it easy everything on the motor is new except the internals.
Thanks Articzap, the guy that you bought your rims from. He’s the been helping me, and he’s been a big help on the project, but I would have to say that I’ve done close to 80% of the work myself.
No not quite a gt40r, but close. The gt4082 is good for 650 hp. I stock 1jz internals are stronger than the 2jz. Its all the same parts, headgasket, pistons etc, except the rods are shorter so they don’t have as much stress up on them. There are many arrguments about the flow of the heads, but they come close to be equal. The only down fall is the .5 liters which takes away from the tq and doesn’t spool the turbo quite as fast.
Just wondering if anybody around here runs a stinger standalone. Or know of a shop that has tuned one before.
Right now I don’t care about looks, I just want to go fast. Once I’m done with that I’ll start on the cosmetics
Yours looks very good. Makes me want to get mine done…but I just dont have the time or money to finish it right now. I’m either going to sell mine half done, or its just gonna get pushed in the corner for quite a while. Could be years.
yeah, I have way to much money into this, but it just snowballed into what I have now. I really like the oldschool imports a lot and plus its a car that you don’t see very much anymore.
sorry for the crappy cell phone pics but supra d started to tear the car down for a spring cleanup of sorts with a wire tuck and re-fixing the previous years install that i had my hands in and hastily screwed up. soooo on with the pics.
the stinger ecu was in the glovebox and he moved it to the center console under the radio and mounted it solid with the ports easily accessible for tuning.
super secret spot for super secret switch!