1stgen's scirocco

hehe someone got my funny

i was there helping install it. took extreme care around the edges.

Lawler? :excited

nah, sorry.

ill be over wrenching on sir-cock-o tonight, though :nana

LOL Touche, mysterious VW tuner.

ouch vw tuner…careful with the insults :lol

i do own a car from the deutschland but it has a roundel

Have pictures to put up later…finished the spoiler, need spoiler supports to adjust height. Rivnuts and dzus fasteners are on their way and she’ll be all set. :nod
Bigger front brakes are coming as well as a new floor mount gas pedal.

Good stuff!

By all means your car is not the most attractive thing, but it beats 99% of the cars in functionality!

Plus i think seeing this thing in my rear view would be kind of menacing, if I saw jesses car id prolly laugh at the giant wing.

car looks sick. I always liked the looks of the Scirocco

:excited Praise Jesus! Top speed run tonight. Plant Rd. Now paved, used to be dirt. Waterford. Etc, etc.

Its a distraction device. Race strategy.

Bite your tongue it’s not attractive. It sure as heck is!

And Jesse… your car is just… :idiots


Just what? Epic fast? What?

Epic, fast, blah, blah,blah boring… so anyhoo…picture fodder

p.s. Thanx nicole…we know whats hot
BTW jesse nom nom nom

Making a center block off plate?

When do we get to paint it?! :excited

Joe and I were poking around on the SCCA forum last night, and looking at crazy little Miatas/RX-7’s he liked, and guess who’s little red Scirocco was posted right underneath? :smile

Awesome ;D