2 del sol's racing both dead?

that car is fucked… i want a roll cage.

Police tell News 4 that 17-year-olds Mark and Thomas Sokolowski both 17

What does “redundant” mean? What does “redundant” mean?

i thought the same thing. i thought the same thing.

i played hockey with those two for a few years. the were extremely immature and annoying as fuck, but that still sucks big time.


Good to hear you weren’t racing Ryan. You pulled away from the stop sign in front of them and they thought they’d be 2F2F?


100mph in a 30 that happens to be a residential area. Briliant! They are lucky they didn’t take out any children playing or innocent pedestrians. sux for them, RIP. But I can’t help be glad and thatkful that their ass-clowning didn’t take anyone innocent bystanders out.

The passenger?


I hear ya!! I just watched that video and could understand why they would attemp such a pass in a shitty civic. :wave:


del sols arent even fast, stupid wannabe racers
rest in pieces.

You’re a fucking faggot.
I hope you don’t die, cause…well I’d be a hypocrite but still. That was a fucked up thing to say, fggt.


A car dosent need to be fast for someone to be insanely reckless and endanger themselves and those around them. And, sometimes people race slow cars too.

which is where the “stupid wannabe racers” part comes from.

Neutral karma from Just Karter: eat a dick up thief nobody gives 2 fucks what you think. god you suck

Know what fag, Go die. It would be better than 17 year old kids who had something worth living for.

can a mod please erase all the bullshit from this thread.

two young kids died and some retards on this local online forum still have the e-courage to give them shit. How many real members on this site can say they’ve never had their car over 100mph somewhere other then a track? but they’ll still sit behind their computer and say these two kids are “immature” or " careless" and deserved what happened to um. fuck that. make this into a RIP thread in the OT section instead of criticizing someone’s bad, and final decision.

I agree. We’ve all done shit like this. I can recall last summer having someone do this to me on center. I kept up with them till they got back behind me. Stupid I know. I could have killed someone. I’m glad I’ve grown up. These kids did not deserve to pass like this. What’s done is done. Yes they were immature. We all ARE(read ARE not WERE) we ALL make bad decisions, some get you killed, some don’t.

dont you have someone to send 1700$ too?
Why are you even still here, didnt ray get bannished over a welder?

Im not gonna sympathize some kids who commited suicide.
it was no different than a razor they just used a car, the only people i feel sorry for is thier family.

Are you kidding me?? From what I hear these kids didn’t have it all up top. They could of destroyed another family in the process of being johnny street hero.

They didn’t go out and purposely try to kill themselves dickfuck. That wasn’t suicide.

And you’re a fucking faggot.

The fucking balls you have asking ME why I’m still here. Who the fuck are you?

I know im not a liar and a thief sending out “mint wheels” that arrive as garbage, then ignore the kid because im too poor to pay him back.
Thats who Im not.
Who Am I? I’m straight to the point, I don’t use tact.

Yes, Yes they did, its the same thing as putting a gun to thier head (pulling up next to someone to race) then saying lets see whut happens when I pull the trigger (challenging them to race) then boom brains on the cieling (mashing the gas to try and win the race and ending up crashed)
Yes its the exact same thing.

Who are you to tell anyone to grow up by the way?
You’re the most immature person on this entire site.
(I was street racing and I got a speeding ticket)
(I was street racing and I crashed my slow gti into a curb because I dont know how to drive it)
(I just bought another Gti, I hate my GTI I wanna sell it)
(these destroyed wheels are mint pay 1700$ for them)

I don’t need to go on about you, Yes what I said was hard and pretty shitty thing to say, I never denied that.
I’m just sick of seeing people whine and feel bad for people who do it to themselves.
Feel bad for the familys, feel bad for the person whos gotta clean that crap up, dont feel bad for the people who did it to themselves.