2005 EVO MR

? ? ? ? ?

I’m going to pay top dollar to have the #1 DSM/Evo tuner tune me up a conservative map so that I don’t blow up my 400hp daily driver Evo that is probably already about to blow up since I’ve been driving it around while it’s been mad detonating while I’m also trying to build up a maxed out turbo Del Sol as my race car.

To sum up the stupidity in this thread:

Buying a car from Butler Pre-Owned.

Buying beat on, high hp, high mileage Evo.

Buying beat on, high hp, high mileage Evo to use as a daily driver

Driving said Evo around while it’s detonating like a bitch

RACING said Evo around while it’s detonating

Taking car that is a daily driver to Dave Buschur for a tune (when you already have a race car).

Taking car that is about to blow up to Dave Buschur for a tune.

Not listening to all of the Evo experts that are telling him to upgrade rods.

Did I miss anything? I’m sure I did.

Look I dont want to seem to come off like offensive to anybody here but.

That bit of posting actually was entertaining hahahaha

The car can be more than reliable with a quality tune from buschur, no the car wasn’t the best choice that’s my mistake but I’ll make do with what I have the del sol is the race car yes however the Evo isn’t blown I’ll get the tune on it drive it and enjoy it, if it blows it blows shit happens so what one way or another I’ll have an enjoyable daily and with the help and knowledge of the people on here who actually post useful information , if the Evo blows it will be back in no time, the Evo is just another car to learn from and another lesson in life but I will make a reliable 400hp daily driver whether it means rebuilding it if it blows or driving for another 60k miles, thanks to everyone helping dan, garret , Steve and gombos have helped a shitload with advice and direction and everyone else using what this website is designed to do

not that it really matters but for DSMs not sure if evos are the same but the ngk stock plug part# is bpr6es then 7es (one step colder) and so on.

400hp is nothing for a stock bottom end evo/dsm. mike rizzotti who formerly had the stock block record hp of 585whp drove his car every year from newhampshire to the shootout in ohio on that same motor. he actually ran 10.4x in it at the end of this year still on the same bottom end.

I’m not trying to come off cocky or say I’m rich cuz I’m not by any means, but if your new car blew you’d fix it, so if it blows it blows but it’ll be back no worries about that

You will be in far better shape once Buschur has tuned it for sure.

Just make sure it passes all of the basic engine health test’s compression , leak down , and of course a simple boost leak test as well. Get a set of fresh plugs to go up there with. I can assure you that Dave will tell you to use the NGK coppers

Just make David aware of any of your concerns so that he can approach and address that car properly.

definetly will, thanks again for the help

NAPA stocks NGK’s. The one over here in White Oak does, anyways.

Yep, it was me. And it was twice :). However, you guys did it on the spot for me both times, so the car wasn’t down for more than a day each time.

And that was the intercooler’s fault (shit design, high price tag.) Something I didn’t learn until it popped. Other than that, nothing ever let go that was directly related to the power level.

Buschur scares me. Alot of people hate him for alot of reasons. Mustang dyno FTW though I say go for it.

riiiight. You should just take it to slowboy… :nuts:

I’ve heard so many horror stories about every shop everyone has there own criticism but you don’t know until u try so buschur gets his chance for my business. But I have heard so many unreal stories of slowboys less then stellar work and terrible customer service I won’t ever let them touch the car

i’m sure if u make it known that the car needs to be reliable buschur will tune correctly for what you need it for. and once again make sure u toon without meth. its really just a big pain in the ass.

i would like to take the time to address darkstar. im a little unsure if i should even take the time to write this but im going to anyway. my idea of a day in the life of darkstar: You wake up in the morning and look in the mirror disapointed with your life. Then when you get really depressed and down on yourself, you walk over to you computer, X-out the gay porn website, open a new browser and log into pittspeed. You search frantically for a post you can try and write a witty comment on to get a rise out of everyone, and then wait… there it is! you found a post to jack. Then you pause for a moment think long and hard of a comment that is completely irrelevant to the post, and yes! youve got it. You write your dickhead comment, then lean back in your chair , put your arms behind your head and re-read the comment you just posted and have a chuckle to yourself. After you feel better about your life you walk into your garage ( i could be wrong but i read you own a auto corvette), get in your car and talk to it like its your only friend, because it probably is, then you back out to take it for a drive, as you come to a stoplight you look over and you see a “ricer” and he revs his engine at you, you then proceed to put your foot on the brake, move the transmission into neutral and rev back, then you floor it and blow the doors off of that 1.6 single cam civic. Now you feel really good about yourself, on the return trip home at another light you see another corvette coming up on you, come to realize its a 66 year old grandmother driving the exact same car you are. you try to not look because you feel tough in your car but you cant help but notice she’s waiving to you saying “hey look we have the same car mines automatic to!” then back to depression, you go home pull the car in and sit there saying its ok one day you’ll be a race car to. Then you proceed back to your computer and proceed to jack off while crying histerically, then when all feels lost you log on to pittspeed for another self esteem booster. But if ever there is a time in life when you feel maybe as if you lead a pathetic and boring life, and think hey what have i really made of myself? just remember you can always add a + 1 to the national suicide rate and then maybe someone will give a fuck about what you say then.

Your feeding the trolls.

You people never learn do you.:kekegay:

I realize it will lead to a reply but that’s ok I’ll enjoy this

o my this is just to much fun out of a daily evo hahahaha

