2007 NFL Draft

I am anti-benjockrider crew…I don’t he has fully proved himself to me yet. I do not mean I think he sucks or anything…but I can’t really say he is awesome or he is not that good. I look at it this way, his rookie year he played solid football, exceptionally well considering he was a rookie and had set a record. But I will say the whole damn team won those games, we had an awesome run game and solid defense. I can’t really remember any game where he did anything exceptional…maybe the Dallas game where he led us down the field at the end of the game…but his stats were very modest. Then the superbowl year it was sort of the same thing, but I will say in the playoffs he did start to prove himself to me (other than the superbowl)…I started to buy into the yinzer hype. Then last year you can say he wasn’t 100% almost the entire year and he made VERY poor decisions at times.

So overall I think when we were winning he was playing consistent and conservative/smart…but nothing to the point where I said man this kid is awesome…pretty much just man he can play well enough and not make a mistake to enable us to win games. To me that is good but not fully proving to be an awesome QB if that makes sense. Especially if you look at last year…he didn’t play the entire season and pretty much lead the season with picks. I think this year will tell a lot about him…and if he plays similar to last year I am sure the yinzers will just say it was b/c of the new system. just my $.02

youre retarded if you dont think he was exceptional in his first 2 years. last year he shouldve sat awhile longer (atleast til after the bye, and returned week 5 or whatever it was)and that was the main reason he had the year he did. everyone knows he was feeling effects of the injury, itd be impossible not to. i think hes a good leader, not the best but good. this year will be a test for him, but hes shown alot already. i still dont see why we took a T so early and why we didnt get a RB…espec with Haynes gone.

I thought he was solid…but if you call averaging like 195 yards and 1 TD a game exceptional…then OK…I call that efficient…nothing special. I thought the team as a whole was just clicking and playing well and he reeped the benefits. Now if he was throwing for over 300 yards per game on a consistent basis then I would say that is exceptional. I just thought his performance was average-solid his first two years…with exception to the end of the superbowl year…that is where I started to buy into the hype. I can not really base anything on someone gettinh how for 8-10 games…like I said it is still up in the air…we will see this year…he he can throw over double the TD’s to picks and average upper 200 yds/game while leading us to a record above 11-5 then I will start to buy into the hype. I just think there are way too many Yinzers you jock ride.

i watched him play at Miami and he was good. hes a good quarterback. he has a rookie mentallity trying to thread the needle make the highlight reel. instead of just chucking into the stands and trying the next down. hes a big boy and can be mobil all around he is one of the best quarter backs to get drafted in awhile. Not being biased since i go to miami and a steelers fan but the quarters back just tuck it and run instead of hitting the check down receiver that doesn’t make you a quarterback

Well I’m not suprised people say this after last year. He had a horrible year because of what happened off the field before the season started. Now if he has another season like that I may agree… but he was good enough to get a superbowl win in his second year, he obviously was a perfect fit for this team. I personally dont like him that much, but hes a good qb when healthy.

Plus this team has bigger issues.

yeah he had a good 2 seasons and needs to get his act together. From what I seen in the draft we got nothing to special. we just missed Revis by one pick. I’m sure we would have chosen him if available, and Brady Quinn to Cleveland what’s up with that the Steelers need a backup QB for Ben. Quinn would have been good. too bad the draft was crazy this year.

umm what about Charlie Batch? hes a great back up

He’s alright but how long has he been just chillin’ on the bench? I mean come one he’s been doing this bench warmer stuff for a while now, He barely gets playing time and yeah he’s a veteran alright like 10 year veteran as a bench warmer. we need someone after Charlie Batch since he’s almost 40 years old. I like Batch but man we need someone to train up for when he’s gone.

He is 32 cheif…way closer to 30 than 40. Charlie batch is awesome…I think he is good enough to start in today’s NFL no doubt

hes an amazing QB. hes got veteran experience. he could start on any team in the league and be a success

ok my math skills aren’t very good at 4 in the morning my bad. ok, then I guess he still has some more good years left in him.

Was Terry Bradshaw a good leader? well by your standards his stats don’t say so. 212 career TD 210 Career INT. never a completion percentage over 58%. 10 of his 14 years in the league he threw for less then 20 TD in a season. 5 of his seasons he threw more INT than TD. a leader is some one who wins… Period. stats don’t mean anything. ask marino how much his stats mean with out a superbowl win…

I see what you are saying and I agree…but for Bradshaw and marino…the teams around them were a huge factor on how their careers went. My point is that I think Ben gets more credit than he deserves sometimes.

i was about to post something along those lines in my defense from earlier BUT that hit the nail on the head! Without the surrounding cast he had his first two years he would not have had as much success.


Doesn’t every quarterback get more credit than they deserve? and in turn they get more criticism than they deserve… right or wrong?

You are right…but it seems that it is a bit more than the usual for him…like all the decals on cars…80 billion jerseys sold…in ben we trust…I just think it was more of a team playing well with a QB that didnt make mistakes…but never did anything too special…well 2 years ago at least.

What about michael Vick??? he is the #1 jersey seller… he sucks ass. but he gets all the credit when they win and all the bad when they lose…it is the quarterback position. they are the face of every team…

you also have different types of teams. Steelers play the run game meaning that the QB of any Steelers team will only throw for one TD a game sometimes 2. other teams like the Colts or any teams like them they throw for 3 or 4 touchdowns a game. In point his stats might show less TDs thrown but check the teams stats. they score TDs without putting the ball in the air. They are also a big defense team. top 5 rated defense almost all the time. we score more points on defense than offense sometimes. You need to look at the style of football the team plays

ya i was gonna type that too. plus, we went through some band-aid qb’s for a few years and we finally drafted a quality qb to build the team around. we havent done that in awhile and i think everyone was just excited that that all happened, combined with the success of him and the team.

Ben still loves Ben a lil too much to be a great team leader. Once the fans and media make him earn a lil respect instead of slobbin on his knob i think his head will fit back in a helmet and he can be a pro bowl QB every year. he’s at the point now where he has to get that young guy stuff outta his system. I blame the docs, the coaches and him for his play last year… something was obviously wrong and none of the parties involved helped.

as for tyler… marc bulger beat out jamie martin in STL, tyler fucks meg bulger so by default he owns jamie martin.