2008 Wilson Circuit Time Trial events, mark your calendars!

You can keep posting its not like anyone is stopping you :slight_smile: Thanks Howard for the great shots! I kept glancing over in your direction everytime I came though that back corner. I didn’t know we had someone taking shots that day, let alone having them out on the course. So once I got set to exit the turn I’d just do a quick look over to see if I knew who it was haha.

thanks for the pictures howard!

awesome photography work as always.

Got any more photos of the white evo?

That car is hot.

If you got a shot of the two fat black skid marks coming out of turn 7 into the grass I would love it.

Hot sticky tires + no ABS makes for fun pictures.

Yeah will post more. Sorry guys! work has been crazy lately, been drained when I get home. Will have the pics out in the next day or so. Will post another set too.