2009 Bing's Spring Meet?

it will be my first BING meet and i can’t wait … my car got ready a week after the meet !!!

I will be there this year in the coupe:wiggle: , I got my plates on the hatch the monday after bings meet. Man was i pissed.
oh and i got A/C too :cool:

first time i’ll be attending as i bought my first 240sx a few months back. Hopegully its on the weekend

I shall be out with The new 240!!! well i would have to say upgraded lol Hope you guys like the change it in!!! this will be my first Meet ever with this car! Bings is poppin my cherry!!!

LOOOL jdm a/c’s actually work, this iss gona be fun

i have a/c just isnt charged so ill have to do that before the meet

fuck a/c. Windows down cruisin ftw.

i might be there i gotta pay ted a visit anyways

My car is an 89 with working A/C, doesnt matter if yur JDM dude haha Proper maintenance FTW

you mean WINDOW down hahaha

I can’t ditch the A\C especially with those really hot summer days when there isn’t much moving happening on the roads!!

hopefully it’ll be working, cuz this time I’m doing a check and fill for the first time :slight_smile:

eh, I fixed that window. Now I gotta fix my damn passenger door lock/handle. BOTH windows go down thank you very much!

Happy to See Bing Meet will be back in 2009.

I can’t wait to see the date :cool: i have a big schedule this summer and i would be sad to miss it. I want to do it on 3 day (more party,more beer,More fun…) this year to not miss the ride… ( last year). Will take 1 day off on monday at work just for you :cool:

I presume you don’t plan to do it on any Dmcc Event date ? I hope so …

im on my second 240 and this will be the first time i come to the meet. i cant wait!!!

any date for the meet ???

^there is a thread from bing that has a bit more info

it is in the meet section

thanks il go and check it out !!!

Is it happening this year?

No, OPP said we weren’t allowed any more or we’d all get arrested for street racing.