This video owns hahaha:
NSW New South Whales, its an Australia state on the east coast.
I’m lovin the blue one, 4th one in… It’s hard to tell what wheels those are though.
oopsies, i assumed euro cuz of 200sx naming. Forgot auzzies also got 200sx, silvia, etc… badgings.
just cause I’am bored
its 200sx everywhere except in north america. even in the philippines we had 200sx available straight from the dealership.
yeah everyone got sr except north america… how stupid.
If it were a 200sx meet in Europe trust me I would of know about it! There is a 200sx club here in Greece and I have met 3 guys on my island that have 200sx’s and that are in it, they told me they host a meet like once a year.
Not realy, here in Europe I noticed there are a lot of CA18’s around. Due to the higher tax braket most people here prefer to go with the least amount of cc’s as possible. Here you get taxed up the ass if you drive anything over a 2.0L the less cc’s you have the less you pay and that is why the RX7, RX8 and S2000 is so huge here becuse both those cars offer the most amount of HP for the least amount of cc’s.
s13’s in Europe(most of it) always had ca18, they didn’t get sr till s14
Wheres the '08 Bings meet video???
LOL I think Ahmed just searches for videos of any nice 240s in every other country but Canada.
^because the world is larger than canada and definetely larger than son240
I think you should go explore that world in person… especially the places that don’t have internet.
judging by the video quality, looks like vhs and probably a video done as the first year the s15 came out lol.
anyways noting too spectacular about cars tryin to make it over a huge bump.
I lived in libya they used to not have internet I first used internet on a 9.6kbaud modem in tunisia though
I think you should say, you should visit the amazon or something, that’d be cool if you pay me
That’s very true, about 80% have CA18’s I have only seen 2 S13 with factory installed SR20’s here. The funny thing is I don’t see too many S14 here. I saw one in London England (GB plates but left hand drive for some reason), I saw one in Lyon France and one in Graz Austria.