2010 Buffalo Marathon

I might do the half marathon if some other NYSpeeders do. I ran 10 miles in high school with the cross country team so I’m sure I could make 13 if I trained no problem.

word. i have no intentions of doing a relay. just looking for other people to run with as you are being lame this year.

Permanent back injury and constant pain are totally LAME!

i know right?

If I went to Med school, I could be a doctor, but I get bored after reading 20 minutes…

I used to hate running as well, have always focused more on sports like baseball/football/hockey/volleyball/soccer/etc…but have found a newfound interest in running. I work in EA and go out for runs during lunch, have plenty of great scenery out here that makes running a great escape from the cubicle life. I’ll also hit up Chesnutt Ridge every so often…thats a great place to get some miles in and the location/scenery kills any boredom.

I can see how that would be cool. Maybe I’ll try it in the spring. I hope I don’t slip in any radioactive mud! Maybe I’ll just run down the train tracks! :roflpicard:

This is the rigid 12-week training program I am following for the Half-Marathon:


It is designed for runners aiming for the 2:00 mark, I am aiming for that or slightly faster. Where are you guys running? Inside/outside? Routes outside? I am trying to run outside as much as possible (seeing as I dread the tread’), but days like today make it tough.

This would be the first marathonesque thing I’ve ever attempted, so my goal would most likely be just to finish. As far as training program, I was going to run. Alot.

This whole winter I’ve only hit the treadmill 3 times. Most of my runs have been at lunch time (as mentioned above, in East Aurora). We’ve had a suprisingly mild winter for the most part, so 3-4 runs a week have been the norm. The past few days have been the only time I’ve been inside running. As for routes…I like to hop on http://www.mapmyrun.com and go from there.

I’ll be training a lot before then, but I don’t think I’ll be back in Buffalo in time for it. And if I am, I’ll have just had a nasty flight. Ugh.

:word: x5324321

Same here, only other road race I have done so far is the Turkey Trot. I will be running a 5k on Feb 13 (Dash for the Dome), The Shamrock Run, and possibly one more before May 1 (Grand Island Half) and May 30 (Buffalo Half)

I am with ya, the next few days are rough for outdoor running but have to get it done… I am going to check out that website and see what it’s all about

I cant see your pic as its blocked by work, but I didnt really follow any training method last year, and I ran it in 2:03, with walking / barely jogging the last mile.

I’m shooting for 1:30-1:40 this year.

As for training, once its warm enough, I run outside 3-5 miles at least 3-4 days a week. running outside is TOTALLY different than running on a treadmill. I’ll mix in some other cardio too so I dont get bored, also, I have to watch out for my sciatic nerve… I pulled it last year and it set me back about 3 weeks worth of training right before the marathon.

The picture is a 12-week schedule with variating distances and fartlek running exercises. It is very rigid, but something general to follow.

Nice goal for this year, 2:00 is just a ballpark aim, since I haven’t ran this event before, I can only guess based on how my training goes.

Despite the cold temperature, I am trying to keep my running to the outdoors, I have inherited sinus issues, and when I am running on the treadmill at the gym, my nose plugs up from the muggy/moist air and I can’t run more than 3-4 miles. I need to look into nasal strips or something of the sort.

just registered…

1/2 marathon fail

^Nice, I will register within the next month or so… Also running the “Dash for the Dome 5k” next Saturday the 13th. Time for this icy weather to F.O. so I can start running outside again

I am not going to lie I have had such an itch to run the last few weeks. My doctors told me to never run again LOL I think I might go for a few miles tomorrow.

i believe i may run the 6 mile