240 as a first car?

yeah polak, securing a job is my number one thing right now. I have a job interview monday “weed man lol!”, hopefully everything goes smoothly, I then see if I can get hired by my co-op.

^^ don’t work for weed man. You will have to go door to door for the first month - 2 months. IT SUCKS! Then you can’t even be employeed yet. You need to be 19. Trust me, i’ve done it. Wasted my time. The pay seems good, but its not. NOT WORTH IT.

As for cars, get a clean s13. My parents told my 93 is too old, but I did it anyway. My car runs fine. Has had a few problems, but nothing a 16 year old car wouldn’t have. Look for no rust or else you will have problems. I paid 3400 for my 93 s13, very little rust, stock, lowish km. It was overpriced. Since you have 5000. Buy one for that price. Then just drop megan coil’s or stance coils. Then just keep her in good shape :slight_smile:


save your money. finding a 240 rust free, bone stock, safety and e-tested for 5000 is possible but hard for an s13 let alone an s14. i don’t know the overall condition of you integra but you could always motor swap it for alot less. if i were you find a nice corolla or a sentra for 1500 and bank the rest. a 240 can quickly become a money pit if you buy the wrong one, and there are plenty of those out there.

good luck


240 was my first car and I wont say not to buy one but heres some things to consider befor you do that i learned the hard way through the years.

The bad news

  • Even with good winters they are not practical winter cars (not saying they cant be driven in winter but there not exactly the safest vs a FWD)
  • Even undercoated they rust very quickly because of there age (if driven in winter)
  • RWD is not what i would call the best for a new driver (im not trying to say you cant drive because i honestly dont know BUT, there are things you learn over time, and id rather not see you learn them the hard way, FWD is more forgiving in that respect)
  • Insurance wont be exactly cheep on an old 2 door sports coupe for an 18year old well atleast not if your insured as primary.

The Good News

  • Stock engines are easy to work on, easy to get info for, and cheep to get used parts for.
  • Car is easier to work on both interior and exterior then alot of newer cars
  • Small Power gains are easy to be had with small bold on upgrades but nothing serouse

Theres more to it but those are the basics i think. Is it a good first car? not sure, did alot of us buy one as a first car, yep, has it worked out? for some. Would I recommend a 240 to my friends as a daily driver? no. Would I recommend it as a good RWD car to modifiy and have fun with YES SIR.

hey, when i was 16 i bought a VW Golf 2 door stick, then a 98 civic si, and now a 91 240sx and its the best car ive had so far. Take into mind what others said before buying one and you’ll love it

very true, I never drove a rwd car so I would obviously come new to me… I’m the primary owner, when I drove my integra for that very short time, insurance was 330 a month I believe? I’m an only child, so 3 cars, 3 drivers, boom super expensive…

If I can find a 95+ Civic SIR I would probly be better off with that, just until I’m making a full time wage, were I could afford to have 2 vehicles right?

^^ damn man. Now you want 2 vehicles. IMHO just get a civic SIR. It will cost more on insurance, but w/e. Its a nicer car. Faster, not RWD, but still a respected car.

Dont waste you cash on 2 cars. Unless one is a beater for the winter.

I ment like I would like 240, but realistically, it would be better to get a SIR, or something among those lines

well asking this question on a 240sx forum will get very biast answers…but go 240sx for sure, everybody has a civic, get a cheap 240sx sr swap and yoru good to go, orr look at an imported RHD 180sx/silvia, you may be able to find one for close to 5 but it would be hard

lol… It doesn’t take a genius to drive rwd.

I would stay away from an SIR unless you enjoy paying high insurance prices. I looked into a 2000 SIR and insurance with my G and just liability was 370 dollars a month where as with my g2 my 240 was only 260 I believe. I can only imagine what a SIR would be with a G2. 240s are great cars aslong as there not rotted out. Not only is it structually unsafe, but its so depressing when you think about the rotted floors or whatever.

lol exacly, as a matter of fact its a piece of cake. A buddy of mine went from a civic to a g35 and never complained about it being rwd.
So go for it get a 240, screw a civic.

haha, it was just an idea, I haven’t got my G yet, it’s just the matter of booking an test date… lol I was just looking at a bunch of civic forums, . people trying to sell clean 00 Si’s for 7’gs ??

lol It wouldn’t take much time to get used to Rwd… then again I have no idea

go 240sx you wont have regrets

If I got a 240, I would for sure look to find a winter beater then…

people are trying to sell 98-00 Integra GSR’s for 9k lol?

description : “you guys know how rare these are…”

I just got to get rid of my integra now then I’ll start looking.

3 choices,

1 - Take the advice statted above, and go with the S13

2 - Get an SiR and eventually have it stolen/broken into + pay stupid high insurance because of it’s popularity.

3 - Fix your integra. Swap in a B18 and your good to go.



Read it, do some research. Dont listen to anyone but yourself. It’s your car and you need it to suit your needs, feel, style, fit, etc etc. Hell, don’t even listen to me. Test drive as many as you can over a lengthened period of time to seriously feel out what you want. History checks etc etc.

I wish you the best of luck.

It ultimately depends on what you are going for man.
My advice to you is that if you need a car then upgrade man, do not downgrade, you are only asking for problems.

Second, if it is not a necessity to get a car right now, then don’t…because cars are the next biggest expense to a house, and at lest with a house you can increase its value by doing many things. but with a car…nobody cares, youll be losing a lot of money so think about this.

All-in-all, whatever you chose I wish you the best of luck, but if you have decided to get a car for certain please do not downgrade man, its just issues man…issues that are costly. I would say just get something that works, has a bit of power behind it and is good on gas. I would say grab the civic cause its fulfills all those requirements with little to no money and the ONLY bd part about it is that they can get stolen easily.

BOTTOM LINE: If you can hold onto an integra for so long with it not being stolen or anything, then a civic is just the same situation, and the car is newer, win-win.