240sx sputtering

for sale!! lol

Might be your alternator/old battery as well. Cause when you throttle it, there is more electrical power needed for injectors. If it’s bad battery taking away power when charging, or an old loose belt, or just a faulty alternator, the car drives completely different. Try replacing these.

reading all you guys guessing at fixing this guys car is hilarious.

take it to a mechanic. the money and time you waste guessing yourself, can be spent on a person that knows what their doing.

$97/hr is wayy to much …spending $700 on parts and wasting countless hours is way easier…
I am a nissan technician, and i had a guy come in with fried alt wiring…$200 fix he spent weeks trying to trouble shoot it himself! when i actually got it the wiring had welded itself to the new alt. he put in making it garbage and wasting another $200.

if i had your money i guess i would, besides, its a PROJECT car not a “let someone else fix it and ill just drive it” this is why people like me buy cars that people like you dont, because we like to fix things. if you dont want to help with the trouble shooting, gtfo

You don’t even know me. Your jumping to conclusions like that? Cool.

Not like I fix cars for a living or anything. Never built an s-chassis before either.

In the end, you’ll most likely spend MORE money on your PROJECT car attempting to fix it rather than having it actually fixed. Oh, did you not say you were gonna scrap it?

I did come in here and offer my advice. You shit on me. Now, I’m gonna shit on you. Have a lovely day :slight_smile:

iiiiiiits aaaa beautiful day in the neighborhood, aaa beautiful day for a neighborrr will you be mineeeeeee? will you be mineee?

Careful these cars are getting to the age that its hard to find mechanics that know them really well. I had talk to Nissan technicians that had no idea how the HICAS system works in their own cars. in fact i knew more about it then they did. This sputtering is a common problem with 240s and the KA engine. Mainly when coming to a stop though. so yours sounds a little off.

Alright… back from the dead, sat in the yard for about 3 weeks and started it up at took it for a spin. decided to keep it. its building negative pressure in the cooling system (collapsing the top rad hose) i dont know if this is a symptom of the stumbling, or another issue lol

Sorry if someone else has already mentioned this but did u try replacing the fuel pump? Your issue seems similar to my case recently but worse. My car would sputter for 10-15 seconds when I would first start it, then it would eventually die off or run “normal”. This would happen every now and then but started happening a lot more often recently. I say “normal” because ever since I bought the car, its always had the problem of pulling at >3500 rpm without the umph, like the power would just flat line as the rpms went up to redline. I replaced my fuel pump last weekend with a walbro pump and my car pulls like never before… no more sputtering either. My stock fuel pump was slowly dying but yours might be on its last leg.

I can’t say anything about the cooling system though

Where should i start? ECM or fuel pump?

pump would be easier

Ordered a pump for it today

Upper rad hose collapsing is typically a bad rad cap…

Potato in the exhaust pipe? I dont know how but they keep growing in mine. :expressionless:

Got the pump today and it didnt come with a strainer lol so ill have that tomorrow. Also has a new rad cap.

pumps in, but the lines are garbage, so ill start on that tomorrow

Pump in, Lines done, the damn things a beast!!

Thanks for all the help everyone, i really do appreciate it!!

hahah. “Beast” and “stock KA” in the same thread. How cute.

(edit: did you seriously post a burnout picture on a gravel road?)

lol, move along troll
