240sx write off huge accident brampton

my condolences to all their familys, things like this are never good.

lets hope all the others are ok


holy shit, i was going to buy his red hatch off him early this year. hope it wasnt chadwick, nice kid.

I knew Chad. We hung out a few times at the timmys in Brampton (McLaughlin and Steeles)

Sad to see you go bro, may you rest in peace. Whats really fucked up is that we were supposed to meet up on monday to exchange parts. I cant believe this happened.


Horrible news, my condolences…


as someone finds out definite new please let us know. i really hope it wasnt chadwick.

wow horrible news… rip and my prayers to the family

r.i.p. chad . its sad to see a fellow 240 member fall, im sure he will be missed by all who know him

p.s. can somebody post up the facebook link




Terrible thing to happen. Met him once…really kind, nice person.

RIP buddy.

never met him. positive i have seen the car many many times. sad to see people go like that. i used to let everyone and anyone drive me vehicles. now. just my dad or my g. you can’t trust no one anymore. not just the person driving. everyone on the road. R.I.P bro.

fucking blows. i can’t even imagine being a part of that. that’s insane.

and to be honest. you would be surprised how many accidents happen on the country roads in brampton. real good for cruising. but if you don’t know “the” car. you can get caught up real quick

Wow, not too far from me…


Yeah guys its Chad, aka Clutch. and the car is flat black.

All of his closest boys were at the hospital eagerly anticipating some information. The first bit of information we got after who knows how long of waiting, was that hes dead…

Fuck man i still cant fuckin believe it…

He was in the passenger seat of his car, one of his other boys was driving.

Apparently (i say apparently cuz this is what i heard but we dont know the facts yet), a pickup truck or SUV of some sort ran a stop sign, and nailed the s14. Supposedly the guy was drunk, and has been charged or some shit but i dont know. we wont know the full details until later today probably…

RIP Chad, we love you man, we miss u, n u will not be forgotten.

Mayfield and Creditview, literally right down the street from my gparents.


If that SUV story is true, I’m not surprised. I’ve known that area since there wasn’t any sign of brampton (now brampton is taking over it all) and noone used to drive like that (drunk, going through stop signs, etc). People don’t treat those country roads the way they should, and now someone who doesn’t deserve it is paying for it.

wow, tragic. RIP.

I’m still in shock, i woke up and Blade told me this one straight up, i thought he was joking until i saw the pictures.

I met the kid at DMCC and he was awesome, pure mad jokes, always laughing and everything

R.I.P. Buddy, You’ll be missed dearly by everyone who got to know you

If and when someone finds out when and where the funeral services are held, please post it up.

it was Wanless and Creditview. the 240 was headed down creditview towards mayfield. The guy that ran the stop sign was travelling down wanless towards mississuaga road or something.

I hope the SUV that ran that stop sign gets charged and punished to the fullest.

Can someone post a picture of him? I think I recognize him but can’t put the face and name together.

That is horrible news. My condolences.

My condolences to his family and friends.

R.I.P. Chad