240sx write off huge accident brampton

this is tragic news to wake up to reading.

R.I.P. Chad

Our deepest sympathies go out to Chad’s family and friends. Our thoughts are with them during this difficult time.

If there is anything we can do as a club, please let us know. A memorial cruise is something we can definitely help co-ordinate if that’s something the family or Chad’s friends would like to do.


maybe we should make a poster or some thing like that for someone to take to his funeral. to show he was a big part of a good community (son)

R.I.P … i didint know him, but nobody should have to go through that. I hope everyone else on the board learned something from this tragic accident. I know i did.

I love what Zilvia has done to this topic…http://zilvia.net/f/chat/212185-240sx-owner-dies.html

Hope it turns out that it isn’t street racing or anything like that…

On the 13th I’ll be drifting for two people now. It really teaches you to respect your car, and everyone else’s. Also teaches you to respect life and realize just how dangerous cars can be.

So unfortunate.

For the people who dont have facebook and dont know who he is.





Jesus, just before his 18th b-day… Always tragic, but dude didn’t even get to experience life yet… Barely out of highschool…

maybe an banner dedicated to him, or just a watermarked image over the banner now with a small rememberance thing.

or even a simple square one memorial meet or something.

this is just so sad…

he was gonna buy my car but the s14 was more avalable for him if theres going to be a funeral let me knows we should all show some support to his family

im down for a sq.1 mem. meet.

Agreed, something incorperated into the banner would be nice. I’d also be in for a memorial meet/cruise.

I’m a little sceptical about the cruise only because I have a hunch that at least 1 person will misbehave and try to show off, which would be COMPLETELY inappropriate.

If this cruise is what the friends/family of Chad wants, then I advice some sort of enforcement be present to make sure everyone drives slow and proper.

+1 for some sort of memorial banner.

im in for a SQ1 meet for Clutch!! or something for him

I would seriously hope everyone is mature enough to realize the purpose of the cruise, but your right, people surprise me sometimes.

Lets do a square one meet, or a meet somewhere where we wont get harassed to leave.
This is for a good cause, if anyone acts up and trys to do something dumb ill counter it by doing a swan dive on their hood.

Instead of having a 21 gun salute,
we should have a 21 rpm rev salute,

there is a lot by my house that no one has persmission to kick anyone out of that we can use as a last resort.

i think we should do something on sept. 20 to memorate his birth day maybe sq.1 just to pay recpects

my condolences go out to the family


Very very sad…my condolences and prayers…