accident in hamilton

caught this in the spectator online.

Mud St. ramp to the Red Hill Valley expressway
June 7 – The driver of a Nissan 240 SX losses control rounding the corner of the northbound ramp at 10 p.m. The vehicle rolled onto its roof and landed partially in the ditch. The 24-year-old female passenger was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. A 31-year-old man from Stoney Creek faces careless driving charges.

anyone from the site? its unfortunate that this happened. hope everything works out for the people involved. caught my attention because it was a 240sx and there seem to be more of those popping up in hamilton.

I’ve been seeing more 240sx’s around the area as well, I think this is the key indicator that the 240sx is the new Civic and prior to that the fox body Mustang (which was back in the 90’s). Fawk, I’ve owned all 3!

oh shit, i hope their okay.

hmmm… i drive through there on regular occassion.

i wish i saw more 240s in my area…

Hmmm I think i know someone in their 30’s living Stoney Creek with a 240sx or two…

But it can’t be who I’m thinking of… can it?

Becareful what you wish for, def dont want that haha

I can think of 2 off the top of my head and they’re both good guys. I hope it isn’t either one of them.

lol me too

hope you aren’t talking about me… i wont be in my 30’s for a few years yet… thank god

shoulda got a roll cage…

but seriously hope everyones okay

lol donedreamin… i saw 3 today… in like 1 hour.

was it the bright red paint ? ive seen a older guy driving around

No, not you… someone else.

was he gripping the on ramp hard? or drifting it? either way hes charged for reason.

I know a few as well, but with a 24 yr old passanger? Hrmmmm

i think thats the on ramp that has the real sharp turn… with a nice lil edge to roll down

Well, I am over 30 driving a green s14 and live stoney creek, but it wasn’t me. My tires have the cords showing out of them so my 240 is pretty well parked right now. :slight_smile:

Sil8t i think your right about the turn.

but he was more then likely gripping the turn since i didn’t see Any tire marks or any sort on the road when i drove by there today.

hopefully they’re alright.

wooooooooooah I live close to mud st. didnt hear anything about this… that probably the first accident on redhill express. hope ther alright.