The son240 make it easy for even a 3 year old to understand trivia
Due to illiteracy and inability to comprehend the english language as examplified below:
It has come to our attention we must break down textual speech in a more formal written English on an internet forum.
A. Why do people get caught at those speeds even if they have cars capable of exceeding 300km/hr? Because of fear of government/police. This is regardless of cops not having high power cars; people just slam the brakes and pull over out of mental repercussion imprinted through fear mongering of media and government. B. Can people get away from cops? Yes they can. Sasha got away from ten or so cop cars several years ago. Wouldn't have been caught if it weren't for someone telling on him. C. Should you dot it? Should you take the risk of such things in this country? No and neither would I. Definitely not as the laws are becoming ever so more draconian* every day. Too high risk. D. Those who 'break the law'... how are they treated? Even if you are going 20km/hr you'll get owned and a lecture for speeding 20 over. Eg: SIR DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FAST YOU WERE GOING?! "120km/hr?" Be smart.Bonus question:
Give an example of another country where people speed and get away from cops:
Stockholm, Sweden:
And their cops have T5-Rs which are better cars than the crappy ford crown victorias.
/dreɪˈkoʊniən, drə-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [drey-koh-nee-uhn, druh-] Show IPA
- of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Draco or his code of laws.
- (often lowercase) rigorous; unusually severe or cruel: Draconian forms of punishment.
- often used in newspeak slang to denote harsh laws introduced by government that take away freedoms of people.