December 15, 2012, 11:42am
The only reason an assault rifle exists is to kill people period. If you think they were made for sport your as blind as a bat. If you feel you are safer and more of a man with one get your asses down to the recruiters office.
I would say 98% have never seen what damage an assault rifle can do except in pictures. Or have seen how it effects a wife and family.
Your freedom to have a weapon that you have no real need for is not worth a single child’s life.
Exactly were do you think all illegally obtained weapons come from? 10% are stolen and the other are obtained via straw purchases. That is when I take my buddy into to store he buys it I use it. These are facts not make believe ask a cop.
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Well for that all I have to say is too fucking bad. We have a right to have, despite what you think their intent was when designed. Also, no one on this site has an actual assault rifle as they’re select fire or fully auto. Not semi auto.