27 dead in school shooting

I think no life lived without freedom is worth living. So I think by denying our freedom and these children’s freedoms you have already taken their life from them.

And what is wrong with owning a gun that is intended to kill people? Forget home invasions, forget hunting, and sport…the reason they even implemented the second amendment wasn’t for those things anyway. We need the second amendment more than ever. It exists to protect the people, and keep the power in the peoples hands, not the criminals or the government.

If you think of a gun as a Toy then you should get serious about this conversation because everyone else in here is. The problem here is that you think you have the right to take another man’s firearm away when you don’t. This right is not given to us by the constitution it is just protected by it. Government can’t give you freedom you are born with it, and it is out job to protect it even if pussies like you won’t.