27 dead in school shooting

The kid wasn’t nuts like the country is so quick to cast over as blame. If the kid wanted to kill his mother, do you think he would turn the weapon on her while at the shooting range with her? Or target her when he knew she and EVERYONE else was unarmed. It was opportunistic thinking on his part, as dark as that may seem. Was it determined that he shot her first then went after the kids? I can only assume after pulling the trigger the biggest “oh shit” moment clicked in his head and that’s when he went “nuts”. Just thinking out loud here.

Helps my point above. The mental illness shit blows my mind. Its so easy to point the mentally fucked finger at someone, especially when they are dead in this case, or point it at someone who did something the majority disagreed with. Anyone here, could pass a mental check with flying colors, and on the ride home with the A+ on their test, decide to prove society wrong and start shooting. Humans have the ability to think for themselves. Getting back to the idea that someone not completely brain dead is still formulating thoughts prior to actions… this kid had a plan, he took action on that plan when, where, and how he saw fit. He knew he had a 100% chance of successfully carrying out his plan… because NOBODY could stop him. Do you think he would try the same shit in a home in Georgia? NOPE. Or atleast probably think twice about it… BECAUSE THAT 100% CHANCE OF NOBODY STOPING HIM WOULD BE FAR LESS, WOULDN’T IT!

The answer is, there is no answer. It’s a hunk of metal, that fires a bullet. A bullet with a purpose behind it. I could take a steel pipe a pair of vicegrips and a ball peen hammer and fire a round off and kill someone if I wanted to. The combination of physical objects and the purpose behind it essentially is the same. If you want some decent answer, maybe because it’s a bigger, meaner looking compilation of steel, that when the person on the opposite end with ill intentions sees it might triple guess their actions, where a punny little .22 pistol pointed at them they might only second guess their actions.

If I could arm my household, and have the law behind my actions if they needed to be carried out, I would put sentry guns and missile launchers on my front porch… do I NEED them any more than a little pistol? NOPE, but damn they look mean as fuck don’t they!

LOL I just watched that south park episode lastnight. The Ass Burgers one.
Exactly. Nobody, no science, no medication, no god damn anything will ever put an end to tragedy. Its like running a business, you know its impossible to earn ALL the money, so you do the best you can to get as much of it as you can. Do as much that can help people when shit hits the fan. Wrapping millions of people in bullet proof bubble wrap, and framing the buildings with solid steel and lexan is retarded and useless waste. Allowing people to protect themselves and others, anywhere any time, is about the easiest, widest spread, cheapest way to actually have a shot at effecting the outcomes of tragic events like these.