or you could help out and send 2 more dollars to make 5… :shifty
I will not say no to additional money.
Thanks for all the help and support guys! This is shaping up to be a really good time!!! We’ll be coming up with at least something little for you guys that throw in a little extra… maybe an extra can of soda or something?! lol… jk
There’s going to be tons of Root Beer right?! :nod
as soon as my amended tax return comes back, ill donate to this worthy worthy cause
A&W Rootbeer float = :worship
Something we’re working feverishly on! If anyone has a friend or relative in the soft drink industry, please contact me.
hmm… not sure how we’d get some ice cream out there… but I agree!!!
my buddy’s cousin is a manager at Pepsi, and my buddy’s brother also works at Pepsi…idk if Pepsi has root beer, but i’ll ask him. :nod
Is Barq’s a pepsi product? Or Mug?
I also have a friend that works as a “beer delivery guy” for McCraith’s beverage distribution center in Utica… he said he will probably be able to help us out!
Pepsi owns Mug Root Beer as far as I know…
Yup. Pepsico trademark at the bottom right hand corner of www.mugrootbeer.com
alright, i’ll make it a point to ask them and see what they can do…what are you lookin for? free products? discounts/package deals?
My uncle is the regional manager for Pepsi for the entire northeast, I can ask him if you want.
We’d be thrilled with free! But we’d be very happy with reduced rate / wholesale pricing as well on a bunch of cases (enough for 75-80 people)
If you guys could pull some strings we’ll have to figure out a way to return the favor.
Few more people added:
CNY CONCEPTS :: [www.cnyconcepts.com
- B18C_EJ8 (Jason) & Wife (Emily) = 2
- Kromwell (kornel) + Wife (Leah) = 2
- Lexi + Melissa = 2
- Tim Maguire + 1 = 2
- Josh Maguire + 1 = 2
- Jason Klock = 1
- Tyler = 1
TOTAL :: 12 People, 7 Cars
NADS :: [URL=http://“http://www.nadsny.com”]www.nadsny.com
- EvoKilla + Wife = 2 (Bike)
- NYHexx = 1
- BurnAll4 = 1
- FreakLS = 1
TOTAL = 5 People, 3 Cars, 1 Bike
OVERBOOSTN :: [URL=http://“http://www.overboostn.com”]www.overboostn.com
- Ace0000 + 1 = 2
- Kangae = 1
- NT_4G63_AWD +1 = 2
- greddysturbo6996 +1 = 2
- MK3 Mike = 1
- MustangDave + wife = 2
TOTAL = 9 People, 6 Cars
SHIFT 518 :: [URL=http://“http://www.shift518.com”]www.shift518.com](http://"http://www.cnyconcepts.com)
- Vovchandr = 1
- Hooked on 240+ Girlfriend = 2
- Swifty = 1
- Bennyfizzle = 1
- BigRed = 1
- K20 Power = 1
TOTAL :: 7 People, 6 Cars
New Age HotRods
- Rob + 1 = 2
- Josh
- Joe
TOTAL :: 4 People, 1 car
GRAND TOTAL = 39 People, 24 Cars, 1 Bike
wow looks like its gonna be a good turnout!
We all had a great time last year, and it’s shaping up to be even better.
You guys are welcome to come to Shift518 Spring Fever meet to return the favor
<---- Interested! Details to follow?