2nd "bi" Annual Root Beer Cruise Attandance List. V2.0

:+1 just signed up

Updated List:

CNY CONCEPTS :: www.cnyconcepts.com

  1. B18C_EJ8 (Jason) & Wife (Emily) = 2
  2. Kromwell (kornel) + Wife (Leah) = 2
  3. Lexi + Melissa = 2
  4. Tim Maguire + 1 = 2
  5. Josh Maguire + 1 = 2
  6. Jason Klock = 1
  7. Tyler = 1
  8. Mike = 1
  9. Joe B. + Amy = 2
    TOTAL :: 15 People, 9 Cars

NADS :: www.nadsny.com

  1. EvoKilla + Wife = 2 (Bike)
  2. NYHexx = 1
  3. BurnAll4 = 1
  4. FreakLS = 1
    TOTAL = 5 People, 3 Cars, 1 Bike

OVERBOOSTN :: www.overboostn.com

  1. Ace0000 + 1 = 2
  2. Kangae = 1
  3. NT_4G63_AWD +1 = 2
  4. greddysturbo6996 +1 = 2
  5. MK3 Mike = 1
  6. MustangDave + wife = 2
    TOTAL = 9 People, 6 Cars

SHIFT 518 :: www.shift518.com

  1. Vovchandr = 1
  2. Hooked on 240+ Girlfriend = 2
  3. Swifty = 1
  4. Bennyfizzle = 1
  5. BigRed = 1
  6. K20 Power = 1
  7. ///Mean318 = 1
    TOTAL :: 8 People, 7 Cars

New Age HotRods :: http://www.myspace.com/newagehotrods

  1. Rob + 1 = 2
  2. Josh
  3. Joe
    TOTAL :: 4 People, 2 cars

Full Tilt Crew (Bike Club) :: http://www.myspace.com/cnyfulltiltcrew

  1. Justin + Brittany = 2
  2. NO NAMES YET = 30
    TOTAL :: 32 People, 31 Bikes

GRAND TOTAL = 77 People, 28 Cars, 33 Bikes

holy crap :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown

too many bikes, make sure they are all 600’s so i dont get beat :lol

;D swift, me and you can just watch them blow past us…600’s might and i mean MIGHT have a chance


they dont, beat more than a handful last year along with a 750

never mind. lol i ment 750’s lol im just to tired to talk

haha its alright, i cant wait to see some of the looks on their faces when my civic passes them at 120 :crackup

lol, so much for “i have a bike, fuck your vtech”

nah, alot of bikes will beat me

but the beauty of it… is almost all of 'em will have to tuck down and hammer on it, and when they win i’ll be like… what did you expect? its a civic. and if i win, i wont say anything :banana

its a win win

LOL, i guess thats a plus of having a civic.

hahaha… nice… Their will be at least 1 Ducatti there… BUNCH of fully caged stunt bikes… nuts type stuff. Not sure of anything more than a 600 though besides the Duc.

sweetness ;D

O boy swift.

also, krom, are we setting some form of rules for the cruise, like limited/no racing. because poilce are gunna be happy with 30+ cars doing this.

Yeah… we’re not totally cutting out the fun… but it’s not gonna be a cannonball run or anything like that.

I know that the guys on the bikes are gonna want to stunt quite a bit, but I have to break it to them too… we just wanna get to the park… with some fun on video, cook, eat, hang out, then do whatever afterwards… maybe go hangout somewhere or somethin.

i was involved in a couple last year where every one had to sign a form saying that there is no reckless activity to be preformed. I like it that way cause then the cops dont have a reason to look at us. but stunt bikes gone wrong isnt good either.

we actually have a “radio” that will be in our party as well as 2-way radios that will help us out “just in case”. I know that’s not an excuse… but it helps.

That form sounds pretty good… I know the guys on the bikes and know that they’ll do stuff, but won’t get nuts. I don’t know if I want to totally cut out the fun… but I DO want everyone to be safe and ticket free. lol

i have 2 4 yr old cobra 2mile walk talkies. thats nice to know you guys use them

someone with a radio gets to ride shotty :mwahaha

actually… the item I was looking for was a ‘scanner’ :banana