3.7 km = 2.3 Miles. V. Motorbike rental :)

So my Lady friend and I decided that we needed a vacation (cuz I work sooo hard) So we went down to the Keys for a sub vacation whilst on my Florida vacation and rented some incredible fast, agile, reliable, etc etc scooters… (They were Daelim Cordi Type R’s for those who know me, only the best.)

I immediately began to wonder, of the 8700 kilometers on this cherry machine, how many of them were authentic burnout miles.

Soooo in spirt of CTNewman… i began to lay down some rubber.

The first burnout lasted for minutes as I watched the smoke pour from the rear tire and watched my cracked odometer spin to 1,2,3, then stop at 3.7 Km… not bad for my first burnout on this high HP motorcycle (5hp MAX)

From this point on, I would light up the rear every opportunity that I was allowed.

(if it wasnt for the rear brake, my trip would have been a total bore, Drifting scooters is fun, the squeaky brakes were amazing in the fact that they scared the shit out of every bystander on every corner of Duval St.

By the end of the trip, this Cordi type R had roughy 20 Burnout miles on it. All’n’all a damn fine trip.

On with the pics.

What would a trip to the Keys be without cunt gay rum

The lady friend on the snorkeling trip turned booze cruise

For mr. witter… I am bassmaster 08

One more of the lady and I

Sunset Booze Cruise

to make christian happy.

lol. the burnout odometer.


No helmet or gear? WTF squid!?!

No helmet law… no helmet… BTW I PICKED UP AN AWESOME SHIRT TOO… The harley guys in buffalo are going to love it when they see me out ridin’ dirty

LOL @ fish

Will, that image of your girl is haggard. Merl Haggard.

i know she’s cute, find a better pic.

I’m telling you this as a friend.


for the harley guys…

<3 Butchy


I cant wait for my first kingsmen, hells angels, :insertbikergang: interaction.

kingsmen. lol.

Newman is right, first pic of lindsay is scary, throw up another one. lol

When are you coming back? We need to go practice for Mid-Ohio.

Theres soo much glare on this screen I cant even see that pic well…All i know is we had been drinking for a while prior to that picture.

I should be back around saturday night, sunday morning… hows the weather been there?

Better than florida…

(not really)

Its been sunny and like 90 everyday… I went diving yesterday saw tons of fish, sharks, and what have you… its like hawaii, only better…

(not really) PS. I really did see a shark while snorkeling. wat wat

Thank you for topless pics Will. xoxo

Anytime cutie… I aim to please. :slight_smile:

:tup: to riding HOGS in FL.

me in Miami.

did you do burnouts and whoolies??? and whats with your custom title?

I took it offroading and did burnouts yes. That thing was a beast. We road from Miami Beach, to Downtown, back to MB, then back through DT to coconut grove and all the way to Virginia key and back. Thing was GREAT on gas lol.

Ask sir Zong about the custom title haha.

Sir Zong??? where are you?

I was riding on a bus in Canada with Paulo and he suddenly woke up and tried to take my head off with a knife.

what a fucking weirdo.