I want to try some weld through on an aluminum pipe tonight and post a pic back to that fucktard for lol’s.
Biiig ass mig tacks are dummmmb but with little tiny mig tacks you can flow them out usually and never know it was done, or grind the proud of the weld off the tack so its flush and skip a dab of filler when you come to them. Only on MS. Its not like ya bust a spool gun out for tacking charge pipes. lol and even with SS wire in a mig for SS pipe, your not usually pre and post flowing (i wish my mig had that feature) so the weld is somewhat contaminated. Will it ever fail drastically if it had 3 tiny tacks, nahhh. will ya see it stand out from the rest of the tig? maybe. its not like we are building rockets of for food service. but yah i know what your saying, big goober tack and nice tig welds marching up to and over it like troops on a mountain range! looool