One of my customers wanted 35 units overnight.
Each unit cost $100 extra for overnight.
The total cost for shipping was probably about $5000.!!!
I probably could have paid one of you guys to drive them to Wisconsin overnight for $1000.:biglaugh:
yeah, UPS makes a BOATLOAD! If a package like that gets left behind though and doesnt make it ontime, shipping is free and they loose money. That happened before when I worked there. There was an overnight package that came down to my PD. I looked at it, and it said overnight to some middle-eastern country … guarentee that package didnt make it on time
bah we do that all the time. The best was a customer needed the product over night to Illinois. It was only one skid that weigh’d around 275# and cost $2400.
shit next time you wanna charge somebody 3500 to ship something like that, give me the grand and pay for gas and you’re right…somebody on here would have delivered it for you…i would have
^ for some reason, paint is considered a hazardous material. Maybe not hazardous to people, but to other packages. UPS is held liable for packages that are damaged in their care, even if it is not their fault.