3S is the bestest platform EVA@)$*@

Yeap. everyother post by you pertains to the almighty VR-4 and how they will run low 9s with a boost controller… But im the “Fanboi” :lmao

LAUGH! What a bunch of bullshit. :nuts

I think I have been very clear about the 3/S pros/cons. I have been vocal on what it can and cannot do. You are delusional if you think I go around with nothing but positives on the platform.

BTW, it will run 12s with a boost controller (About $20).

And it also costs 40,000++++ brand new

“Going back back to 1999 1999.”

I’m Delusional. Thats it. My apoligies




I giggle when you post. I won’t lie.

Thanks :gay

It’s just a fucking car people. NOT AN EXTENSION OF PENIS SIZE :crackup who gives a FUCK?

I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I’m free.

You must have the boost controller mod

Correct. Big truck, little guy is in reference to needing to compensate :lol

:lmao :mwahaha :lol



well, thats why i drive a BMW Isotta afterall


this thread delivers

Isnt it spelled isseta?-psi2high on nicks name