$4.00 a gallon FU V. Good DD that's reliable, comfortable and good on gas

No.If it was well maintained id trust something with 250k but the price will be lower for one with that many miles obviously. 160k is nothing for these motors. I know badnewsmini had a tdi with Insane amount of miles on it.

I would be so bummed if I drove that

In 2007 I bought a 99 Civic for $5k. If I sold it today I could probaby get $3500. I’ve had to put about $1k in maintenance towards it in the 4+ years I’ve owned it. I can also count on one hand how many times I’ve gotten less than 30mpg. It certainly isn’t baller but it’s great having no car payment and extra cash in the bank.

Also don’t rely on that state corrections job. Isn’t Cuomo closing 2 or 3 prisons in upstate NY over the next couple years?

I was told they’re closing 6, but I know a lot of CO’s and they tell me half of the CO’s are old enough to retire, they are just waiting on a back dated check, they can lose a lot of people.

Greg said its going to be years before he can get back home from Ulster. I wouldn’t be too worried about a corrections job at this point. I thought you were going back to school?

PS buy a civic.

When people retire he will move closer depending on where he is on the list for prisons, if they hire he will be moved.

im talking about spending 8k on a 200k tdi

trust me i know what the advantages are ive owned 4 diesel vw’s thus far

Your calculations fail to factor in price of vehicle and maintenance costs.

Yeah, I like TDI’s. Diesels are a great thing. However, most 200k jetta TDI’s have 200k worth of ass in the driver seat, 200k worth of that window motor going up and down, 200k of the suspension and wheel bearings being worked. Diesel or not, 200k miles can be apparent in other none-drive train related areas.

Also, people seem to think TDI’s are literally made of gold. The way they do NOT depreciate almost makes it more worth while to just fork the cash for a new one. In comparison you can probably find a much less mileage gas motor that gets like 30-35mpg for half the price. So even though you may save $600 a year it will take time to recoup that.

Maybe I’m just weird but I would never pay more than 4k for a car with 200k.

I’m with sobo

I’d rather drive a civic that costs 1/2 the price, takes the cheaper gas, and is cheaper to maintain. In the long run, you’ll probably save more money that way.

Really you should just buy jams accord and dump your escalade

I pm’d him, but it’s so baller he decided to keep it lol

WRXs? Are they reliable ok on gas? Certain year to look at?

Subarus and gas mileage.


They get like 22-25 at most. There are better cars out there for sporty gas mileage.

My friend has a 2008 Impreza, and it avgs around 28. It’s an Auto too, wasn’t sure if you can get that out of a WRX if you stay out of boost.

Ok who’s selling their Honda civic, preferably stick… Tired of paying $300 dollars a month in gas!

Man I wish I only spet $300 on gas a month

Agreed, plus most of the time a gas engine blows up it’s because of lack of maint. (if it’s stock) so the diesel factor is not that big of a deal for longevity, and like you said other shit on the car still goes bad.


Stay out of boost? Huh?

yeah shopping around for a good deal is importnant with any purchase.iv seen alot of them with around 150kish go for around 5 or 6 if you look around