its starting to get nice out and got back the DL [tomrrow] so its riding time. so whos all in for a short easy trip down some twisties??
what i got in mind is a refresher course for some and a new experience to others. this will also allow eachother to know who and how ppl can ride and what they can handle and want they cant. trip would be around 100 miles or so. [this is a very short trip] i plan on doing alot more rides once we get to know eachother and our abilities.
so im thinking meet up at the sunoco off the bridgeville exit. its right accross from the star city movie theater. from there we would head down Rte 50 then onto Rte 88. when it ends do a turn around and head back. its not to complicated but there are a few tight spots that noobs need to watch out for.
later on in the season i will continue this route alot longer but for now this is just a begining.
things to check for…make sure you have good tread on the tires, make sure tires are up to pressure, make sure your brakes are in good shape, make sure your chain is properly lubed [no need to snap a chain]
we will be dipping into parts of WV and their speed limit signs are not like PA’s. when they say a bend at 25 they mean 25, unlike PA’s where 25 could mean 50.
for how the pack would be placed goes on experience and ablity. also the pack goes down as one and comes back as one. if youre slower you wont get left behind at any straight away we will slow down to allow you to catch up, whenever we approach a stop sign we will all meetup and share afew words if needed. also while riding as a group we will try to keep an eye on the noobs when possible just to make sure everyone is safe among the group. I HIGHLY RECOMEND that you go at your own pace. DO NOT TRY to keep up with me or others, this only leads to endangerment of yoruself and others. like stated go as a group come back as a group. Go at your own pace, if you are experienced and know this road and want to take the lead be my guess but make sure you do it safely. i dont appreicate passing in turns, only pass on straights with the front rider knowing he or her is being passed. passign in the turns is for the track!!!
so whos in for this short trip???
meeting time woudl be around 10am and shoudl be back around 1pm or sooner
bring cell, snack/drink money, gas money and whatever you would like just make sure youre prepared.
when closer to the meeting date we will exchange numbers if needed to contact eachother to see if one person is late or not.
also are riders are welcome but realize this, these roads are tight and twistie. some more then others