5/20 Nyspeed BBQ @ Chestnut Ridge **PAYMENT INFO INSIDE**

Please Make note of the Following:
We have the shelter From 10am-until park closing at 9pm. Figure on the BBQ starting at about 2pm.

We have a permit for alcholoic beverages so long as they are in CANS AND PLASTIC BOTTLES (NO GLASS!)

Please exhibit common sense if you are drinking if you need a ride we will try to get you one as there is no reason to drink an drive.

NO asshatting in the parking lot-- No burnouts doughnuts etc…

We will be going with a wrist band policy. We will be giving them to people who have paid already and the few that still owe (cough cough) when you pay you will get yours. Again this only for the people who paid and will be eating/drinking (pop). Come see me Phil or Jay to get yours upon arrival. Be paitent during this process please.

Also might be a good idea if you are bringing your own beer to have a cooler for yourselves to keep everything drinkable. We will have 2 to my knowledge that we have for pop

Possible cruise to taffys at the end of the bbq if enough people are interested.

I think that about covers it. Ill edit if needed.
Bring a camera for what concievebly is the largest nyspeed meet EVARRR~~~!!

so how much of a dick do i look like now saying i just found out about this and i want in :slight_smile:

If there is enough food would we be able to pay when we show? Maybe make it a few bucks more or something…


:lol: i was really hoping it’d be skunk, but i guess you will do paul… :rofl:


it can be me also ;)…

it will be a jay sandwich


If there is enough food would we be able to pay when we show? Maybe make it a few bucks more or something…



We will see how it all shapes up then we will make that call, we planned out food for the amout of people an mike spent yesterday and today cooking so to say there is extra isnt something we can say yes or no to. There was about a good soild month to get in on the picnic and we cant change plans on a days notice.

i understand

Do you need a giant cooler full of Ice? I have a large cooler and I can fill it with ice for free.

I guess ill bring it anyways

i ended up getting tomorrow off. i might show up and say hi. i won’t eat though since i never bothered paying jay or anyone.

im obivously new to this forum, but i was wondering how this works, can i show up if i didnt pay for this bbq and/or dont really know anyone?


im obivously new to this forum, but i was wondering how this works, can i show up if i didnt pay for this bbq and/or dont really know anyone?


yes and yes. don’t eat. do talk to everyone.

o so much fun i cant wait!!!

[quote=“Big B,post:392,topic:24869"”]

o so much fun i cant wait!!!


Fun on a bun?


yes and yes. don’t eat. do talk to everyone.


sounds good, i gotta work but i’ll try my best.

Is anyone doing nametags things, so we can figure out who the fuck people are


Is anyone doing nametags things, so we can figure out who the fuck people are


Hahaha… That almost sounds like a good idea, it would be cool to just know who they are by looking at them… But no good way to make everyone do it…

Some of us, me included, have only met a handful of nyspeeders. So this is IDEAL.


i ended up getting tomorrow off. i might show up and say hi. i won’t eat though since i never bothered paying jay or anyone.


i <3 you

the wrist bands i supplied have ample room for your name to go on them if that helps…but it doesn’t so deal with it?


Some of us, me included, have only met a handful of nyspeeders. So this is IDEAL.


best shoveler of dirt and snow i know of on nyspeed. just an FYI for all of you :wink: