5/20 Nyspeed BBQ @ Chestnut Ridge **PAYMENT INFO INSIDE**


Had a good time, always cool to have one of these and hang out. I hope the next one mike shows up early to cook. I was starving by the time we got to eat. Food was excellent as usual, and everyone got some pulled pork unlike letchworth.




were you at the plaza before we left?


before we left for the drive there? yea. you had the tdi right?


Glad to finally meet some of you Speeders… Awesome time, awesome food, awesome people, oh…and awesome cars :tup:

Excellent time. Can’t wait for the fall meet.

had fun. if it wasn’t for the weather…it would have been great to have some sort of semi-organized sporting event (i.e. NYSpeed kickball?). Food was great, thanks mike.


before we left for the drive there? yea. you had the tdi right?


and rainbow suspenders.

id love to play some kickball

how about nyspeed dodge ball?


how about nyspeed dodge ball?


im sure a lot of people would like this. being able to hit members of the board u dont like > *

lol omg paramedics need to be standing by for this one…

If you can dodge a wrench… you can dodge a ball!

Patches…good guy


im sure a lot of people would like this. being able to hit members of the board u dont like > *


good…i can blast that girl that said she didn’t like me, then i can hit rubicant and eviljay.

Bring it fool.

man i didnt think it would get this violent, maybe at the next bbq