5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

People don’t usually wreck. I know Moffitt and myself flew off the track once this past summer from pushing too hard but that’s about it. If your learning it’s fairly easy to let people pass with the point by’s so no one should be crashing into you.

It’s as safe as you make it. Drive within your abilities and diligently watch the track/vehicles in front of you, and you’ll be just fine. Even if you do run off the course, it’s almost completely flat/grassy.

I haven’t heard of a single person wrecking. And Dave went off because his brake pads chunked as he tried to break after the fastest part of the track, going into turn 1, not because he was pushing it past his limits.

Could’ve sworn SCCA fees went WAYYY up this year for non members.


You do not need to worry about idiots crashing into you. Anyone driving recklessly will be given a warning, if they continue to drive like a fool they will be booted/banned. I know of 3 instances of “incidents” at Dunnville in 3 years I’ve been going. NONE have been at Onyx/NYSpeed events.

Yeah, their event at the DDC last August was great. Plenty of seat time and no yahoos. Would have been nice to see some folks again though, and your event sounds like a blast.

I will have to check my calendar and see if I can make it. It looks like it will be a good time even though it has turns. :slight_smile:

Generally safe, passing on straights only, no timing (Unless you have a buddy with a stopwatch). No one should be close enough to hit you. Except while passing on a straight, of course.

I notice I’ll need a helmet if I plan to race, any local places to get one cheap? Would a construction helmet suffice :stuck_out_tongue:

In, paid, will be driving the newly built race car for the first time.

count me in I heard so many good things from last year


i’m getting really excited about this whole thing… it’s going to kick some serious ass.

me too… IM going to kick some ass on the track :biglaugh:, jk its not a race, but im getting excited to see what everyone brings this yr and hopefully there will be some good challenges to pace with…

In/paid for watching & eating.

I’ll be driving up in the xterra so if anyone wants a ride I’ve got room for 4 more. :tup:

You just volunteered to bring up some of the food since there is a limit that I can carry over the border in my truck!

:tup: We’ll meet up, I’ll grab half the food, and then I’ll follow you there since I’ve never been there.:touchy:

can we add a politcal debate to the schedule?

how about setting up a projector to watch conspiracy videos in one of the airplane hangars?

I’ll bring the popcorn. :slight_smile:

…can we just print out the “handbook” and bring it the day of the BBQ or should we save it/email it to you?

Oooooo that would be fun to setup that up in the Hangar, if not for other purposes though. :slight_smile:

I’ll probably have to follow you guys since I’ve never been up there before, if you don’t mind.