5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

paid and reg’d so ill see all you delinquents there again ;). this yr ill be in a red honda if its finished on time, if not turbo vw. also since thie will be a larger than normal event ill toss my 2c:

-12car cap on the track as always should be good to keep things spaced well
-noobs pls dont drive like this is Forza, you will lock up and rear end someone or spin out post apex if you stomp the pedals. this isnt a race, lets keep things safe
-if you have to ask if youre in the experienced/fast class, start off in a beginner one/slower. its a lot more fun to pass slow cars than to stare in your rearview and get highbeamed the whole time. (yes ive been there with the STI GT car 1foot off my bumper at TMP in the no passing zones).
-id prob guess that if you had a fast car it could at least keep up with an Evo in the corners and prob get 100-110+ on the front straight (straight speed is overrated, cause then youll just hold everyone else up in the corners)
-change your brake fluid before you go, and keep tabs on your brakes constantly, this is prob the most important thing along with good tires
-theres no shame waving cars by, or coming on pit lane to get spaced better, its all for fun right? (passing will be discussed at the track since Josh runs things well, but dont drag race people down the straights if youre waving them to pass)
-bring an extra gas can if youre going to be driving a lot (canadian gas is $$$ and is only 91? just an fyi if your turbo car requires 93)
-if youre going to change your tires bring gloves, after driving your brakes will be hot as hell and the rims will be too hot to touch
-also make sure you can see and are comfy in the car before you get on grid, you cant turn your head with a helmet on so the mirrors have to be proper
-bring plenty of sun screen and drinks so you stay happy and have fun all day :slight_smile:

mpd is the datsun going to be ready?
moffitt are you running the nissan again this yr?
ill be looking to do an odometer enduro race if anyone takes haha

hey guy, kevin doesn’t like the idea. So even though we have 100% commited to it and 50-70 people have confirmed attendance including 30%+ of the driver’s field being pre-registered… let’s just call the whole thing off k?

or maybe some people are bound to not be interested and that’s okay right?

kevin, you smell

i’ll sign up for the bbq at some point, honest :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s probably for the best. :frowning:

hey, if you want to suck dick then just suck it. don’t let me stop you

Good points/suggestions.

Datsun… uhh…

I hope so?

But I just put a deposit on another car…

And I’m selling two of my other ones (touring, and the street duty 951). I honestly have no idea what will be out when. I hope to have the Datsun on the street in April though.

951 for sale eh… how much?

It’s already got a deposit on it Mike, but thanks.

I hate you FAG!

But really, that is a car that you know i have wanted to build for a long time. I have never been able to bring myself to drop the money on something that I know will be a huge cash hole in both the short run and the long run!

Mike, I’ll end the hijack with this.

If you are serious about wanting to LSx swap one, let me know and I can find you a shell for CHEAP.

OK… yeah…ahh Im not the one who insists on raining on everyones parade, Ugh IDK know why Im even wasting my time, you clearly enjoy being an asshole. so thanks for contributing to the fourm in a possitive way. :bloated:


Payment sent :tup:

Thanks Josh


Damn, I’ll be at mosport that weekend. Maybe another time.

Are you going up with Frank’s group?

FYI, there may be a double autocross event that weekend, from what I’ve heard. Official dates are still in the air, but I know a few people are holding out to find out about that first before committing/sending in money.

Hmmm, $50 for no food and 6 minutes of seat time vs $100 for food and 4 hours of seat time.

Big debate in my mind…

I’m having the second half of the double autocross in my living room. Guaranteed you’ll see at least 7mph. You could top out 1st gear!!

No need to be a jackass, I’m just putting info out there :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve already paid for my spot.

And autocross is not $50 unless you consider gas and/or tire, which then you’ve got to take into consideration for the track day, too.

I am thinking about doing this with my srt4. I don’t feel like reading through this whole post so can someone link me to the track rules or give me a quick rundown? Is there passing allowed or is it a timed event?

Edit: I found the basic rules on the first page.

Do people wreck at these events or are they generally safe? If I decide not to push the limits of my car do I really need to worry about someone else crashing in to me?

I have never been to a road track before so forgive my noobness.