5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

You should have a tiedown from the manufacturer that made your car. They come stock. Some used cars don’t always have them however, so you if you don’t already have one, contact a dealership.

If you can’t attend this event, you’ll need to sell your spot. There are no refunds if you can’t make it. I might be able to transfer you to one of our track days if you can’t sell it, but you will not receive a refund for the difference in price.

Oh and 12/40 right now :tup:

and any auto part store sells a generic universal one

No need to register if your just going for BBQ, correct?

Yes, if you’re just going for the BBQ you still need to register.

true. You don’t need to fill out all of the info about the car and experience however we do need names and contact info for everyone that will be at the track driving or spectating. It is a situation with a large group of people in a foreign country at a race track. There is a lot that could go wrong. Oh, and the info isn’t so that if it rains it can be called off either. This is a rain or shine event! We have had mixed luck the past few years and hopefully this is a bright sunny year for everyone.

Registered and paid!

Just a note to everyone; you need to register AND complete the payment before you’ll be added to the who’s going / paid list.

Some people have completed the registration, but haven’t paid. Registrations that don’t proceed payments will be disregarded.

you should start a list of who is payed/registered. Just so we know it went through

Always wanted to really put this “competition” option package threw the paces.

Will certainly be seeing if I can gather up the funds :slight_smile:

registered and paid!

combining these 2 is a waste. a bbq should be a time to eat, drink, and socialize. no ones going to be able to do that when half the people are out on the track all day. fucking retarded and a waste of a bbq

Kevin, we heard you the first time, and Josh already responded to your concerns.

I’m more concerned with the driving. Food is just a necessity. lol.
I think you’ll have enough people there for strictly the BBQ as well as just for the track.

Plus we already threw an impromptu BBQ at a track day and it went over incredibly well. :gotme:

mike, i dont give a fuck. just because this fucking bbq/track day benefits you doesnt mean it will for everyone.

a lot of people cant cross over into Canada.

OT: mike im going to slap you like a dirty pirate hooker


and lol @ not being able to get into Canada. Can’t the STi outrun a mountie?

Sounds awesome

If all goes well with me getting the speed3 I would love to attend, granted there is a spot left!

Crap, this reminded me I need to order new tires soon.

Hmm, I should be able to go to Canada again

Hey, if you dont like it then dont go, simple as that, why do you have to keep complaining about it ?