5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

Awesome!!! I just ordered my get up tonight for this event.

Nice guys - 41 people confirmed and paid so far, 29 of which are drivers… all in under 1 month :tup:

ull have at least 2 more by then end of the month. i have 2 friends who just joined the speed so they can attend this/the other driving events@dunnville this summer

I’ll be regging once I know what’s going on with my graduation. :lol:

does everyone have their car already for the upcoming season? i just picked up mine and will be swapping out the brakes and motor mounts to the track setup next week as well as f*cking with my preload on the coilovers. do we know what kind of food we’ll be having so far? is it byob?

Hopefully signing up for this soon, my powersteering won’t be almost on fire now which will be great.

Menu is yet to be determined.

byob… you mean soda right… Driving on a track + beer = bad time.

Should there be a formal, all-inclusive, “No Alcohol” policy? I would imagine that those just coming for the BBQ portion might be tempted.

^ No Alcohol? Thats weak

We have defin had alcohol there before, obviously only for people NOT driving though such as friends etc that wanted to come watch.

There should be no alcohol at the track, whatsoever. I’d actually be surprised if that’s not already in the contract for us being there.

Also, my car is 90% ready. I’m using up the last of my VictoRacers from last year, which are still mounted and still have plenty of blue pads left over from my last track event last year. Once the car comes out it’ll get a bleed and be ready to go.

They didn’t mind last time. :lol:


But, being that the track days are expanding, I’d support the alcohol ban for everyone on the premises. Impossible to trust people and impossible to patrol it.

There should be no alcohol… too large of a group of unknowns to have them represent Onyx/Speed… especially at this sort of event, with other communities involved, and considering there are 11ty2 other track events scheduled there.

Yeah I’d have to agree given the numbers of people, it would be hard to keep track/trust everyone.

i think we should have a 2 gallon funnel attached to a 20 foot ladder at the start line and a MANDATORY wild turkey funnel is in order for anyone wanting to hot lap:walter:

Those who are NOT driving, I don’t mind if you have a beer or two. But someone starts getting to far gone, expect to be removed from the property. There will be enough people here to police this policy. So unless the track owner says no alcohol at all, I’ve fine with it in moderation for NON-DRIVERS. Drivers will have armbands too so if you’re seen drinking, expect to get the boot quick.

On another note, there are several improvements for the track this year that are going to be implemented. This includes picnic tables, a covered seating area and even some additions to the track to give us some seriously cool options when it comes to track layout and direction :tup: (track improvements might be done by this event)

EDIT: I also plan on releasing the Volume 2 DVD on this day :tspry:

dvd woo hoo. of course i meant b.y.o.beverages. drinking alcohol and driving is plain stupid, but i was curious if the bbq would have soda or something, ill prob bring my own cooler as always but i was just wondering.

Id say im at 75% right now, brakes will be finished within 2 weeks. suspension tweaking will be done soon, and the Honda will go on a diet, im shooting for 2100lbs; since my Victo’s will most likely be dead by the BBQ, i hope to give the boxter a proper run for its money on street tires…:present:

Soda, water and likely RedBull will be sold there as well :tup:

Boooo. Pop was included at previous meets.

Hahaha, we’ll see :wink: