5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

Yeah… It may be included, but we can’t really infringe on the track selling beverages if they want to. I will talk to Josh regarding this, check my budget and see where we land. Closer to the event i will post up a menu options thread on onyxsyndicate, and as usual popular vote will determine the menu (to an extent). We do ahve to worry about food import laws, and limited cooking provisions (I will be hauling the grill up!)

Ugh my cars still sits all OEM with a huge pile of parts in the garage, I cant wait till some warmer weather, oh and a Huge Thumbs up to Redbull, lol I cant wait

onyx, when do we find out what driver class/run groups we are in? theres what, advanced, intermediate, novice? or advanced A, advanced B, novice?

ugh i wish i had a garage to work in so i could fix my shit and officially sign up.

i dont wanna make it official until i get everything going, and i can’t do that until the weather breaks and i can work outside :frowning:

unless…somebody wants to let me borrow some garage space? :gotme:

Classing is happening now, but you won’t know until we’ve reached our sign up limit. There will only be 2 classes, and they will each run separately for an hour before lunch. After lunch, it’s open track.

^good point, thats the beauty with this event: Open Lapping after lunch!!! So i dont really care anymore where i’m grouped, i’ll get to pace the cars i want to after lunch. I know i had my requests before but feel free to drop me in the novice group. More cars to pass ;)!

ill be in basic during this :frowning: burn

Banners are going up around the internets :slight_smile:


Also, for those not up to date on the passport situation, you can still cross with your drivers license and birth certificate.

If you’ve misplaced your birth certificate, you have 3 options. You can visit your local town / city office and pick one of for $10. There is also an option to buy a wallet sized copy for $25. Or you can simply order one online using www.vitalchek.com and have it sent to you for $17.

Inexpensive and simple :tup:

whats the sign up limit?

40 cars… which means there are only 9 spots left!

There is no limit on the BBQ. We’ve got 44 people already paid for the BBQ :tup:

I will know this weekend if I am in or not. I think either way I will be attending the bbq…driving depends on car situation…

6 spots left on the track…

^ Seriously… I was just updating all of the registrant information and I couldn’t believe how many have come in over the past two weeks while I had been way too busy to even think about looking over them. I was about to post the same thing!

I am sure that the remaining 6 spots will fill early this week, so if you have registered and not paid, or have just been putting off the registration, now is your last chance. With the amount of interest, no spots are being held for anyone. If you want to drive do it now. If you can’t get a spot, we did include a 2nd driver registration so if you have a friend that is willing to let you drive his or her car for half of the time register as a second driver and please give your ALREADY REGISTERED friends name in the comments section so that we can confirm they really want to split their time with you.

Anyone who doesn’t get a spot, just come out for the BBQ anyhow. There is already more people registered for this event than we have ever had at any BBQ or anything else for that matter. This will be the biggest thing going on this summer (I think) and it is not only NYSpeed, but several other groups so if you don’t feel like hanging out with the same group of people, Don’t. If you are a noobie and don’t know anyone, this is the perfect time to get out and meet a whole bunch of new people from here and elsewhere.

Personally I am pretty pumped for this event. It is so much different than any of the other BBQ’s. We have a track day, a BBQ, a drift show, and the DVD rollout all wrapped into one event!

See you all there!

When you get a free chance Mike, we need a thread here to talk food :wink:

Is there anyone with a relitivly stock car gonna drive. I dont wanna be the slowest one out there… :LOL: Hopefully Ill have wheels and suspension by then but I dont know…

I doubt you will be the only relitively stock car out there, as far a power goes, my car has mabye 150 WHP on a good day, lol and it really isnt a race, so if your slower than everyone its not really a big deal, Plus in the begginers class I dont think you will be in anybodys way.

That’s the mindset we’re trying to dispel. You don’t need a fast car to have fun out there… although it’s great to have power for those straights :slight_smile:

well, he registered :slight_smile: so now we have 5 spots

He needs to pay first. Several people have reg’d without paying, but they’re not on the list… and won’t get on until they pay.

So until then, 6 spots :wink:

Power wise, I’m completely stock.

No one cares how slow or fast you are, and you shouldn’t either. If you are slow, be diligent giving point bys (because people WILL care if you are holding other people up) and use the opportunity to see the line the people in front of you are taking. Chances are your line will be slightly different, so don’t TAKE their line, but use it to figure your own out.