5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

Registered and Payed.


too much power… youre gonna have a bad timeeee jk. time is made in the corners and during braking especially at this course, so just make sure your pads have meat and you flush your brake fluid before you come! remember this isnt a race either, its fun lapping, personally id drive in anything safe regardless of how little power it has. browsing over the list of fellow drivers i see a few stock cars, youll have fun

I was out there playing around in a stock automatic Geo Storm last year, among a few other slower cars. I’ll be out in a near stock old subie as well. You’ll have fun the first time regardless, if it’s 60HP and automatic, or 200+ and manual. :slight_smile:

With the exception of the front stretch, and a few other shorter straights power isn’t the biggest factor, brakes, and the ability to drive/willingness to learn are. :slight_smile:

On a side note, learning on stock suspension is tons easier for several reasons. (Unless the car is complete crap from the factory, and understeers like a pig in a bubblebath/spins like a top.)

If I can count… I may not be that good at it today as the parade just ended, however there are 2 yes 2 spots left for drivers. just a heads up!

1 spot left. :slight_smile:


Auto-X Novice School on 4/20:

Well worth it if you have no/little experience on a track. Lots to be learned, and a good time as well.

looks like it’s good that I didn’t wait longer

with the weather outside looking sunny today I can’t wait to get some track time.

Yah, I need to bleed and change the brakes, but I should be at that too.

There are actually 2 spots left still. But either way, if you’re interested you need to move quick!

bing answer this:

if i never paid a ticket in canada, can i get shit for being a passenger in my car?

Kevin just pay the stupid thing already

its 500 dollars for a bullshit ticket. fuck that! if it was like 100 bucks or so i would have just paid it.

so I have come to decide to just come up for the BBQ

new car + new road course driver = no no

I will hit up one of the other events instead for the track day

payment will be sent shortly :slight_smile:

EDIT: I will have room for at least 1 passenger, plus food/supplies if you need it Mike

so far I don’t really know anyone who is going so if anyone is spectating and want to come feel free to let me know. I’ll probably trailer my car so I’ll have a truck with plenty of room, driving that beast from Wellsville to Dunnville would suck horribly. Plus if something happens to someone’s car I’ll have a truck and trailer that can be used

well sean if u wanna drive me ill split gas. i hate driving to canada

I really need to pay my month overdue ticket asap so it doesn’t fuck me over come time for this.

so now your really interested…i’ll drive you puerto rican ass

Minglor should be able to weigh in on this. Maybe PM him.

What about Jesse, Bill, Chuck…? I know there are a few other FBody guys going too.