5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

Oh cool. I love how hearing about how these things work. Thanks for the info :tup:

in for the BBQ, also just gonna pay at the door.

Uh, guys… No one said paying at the door was an option. :gotme:

Here’s the deal; as long as you’re cool with paying $25, you can pay at the door. BUT you still need to register AND put in the comments that you will pay at the door. You must register BEFORE THIS WEEKEND.

We’re only buying enough food for those who have registered.
And we’re buying it after this weekend. So if you don’t follow the rules, you’d be literally taking food out of the mouths of those who did follow them. So don’t expect to just show up, get in and eat.

This thread has been here for months. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t at least register to prepare us for the proper amount of people who are going. If you have the time to make a post here, you have time to register online. Hell, while you’re at it you might as well pay and save yourself $5.

It’s also important to note that until you pay for your registration you will NOT be allowed to park inside the track area with those who have already paid. Good luck parking on the street :wink:

Are you going to arrange a separate thread for the ride up?

Don’t know what your thoughts are on this yet, but I wouldn’t want to have too large of a group…considering we all have to work through customs, and then wait for everyone once we cross, having ~50 cars at once will be a bitch

Everything has been worked out. We have a simple solution to avoid slamming the border with cars :wink:

Those who have registered will get all the details of the cruise, etc. in their email soon.

i need to catch a ride with someone sitting shotgun, i want to take pix the whole way up and during the whole day - cant take my car up

I’ll be in a “film vehicle” and I’m sure you can either ride with me the whole way, or up to a point and jump in with someone else :tup:

what is this said film vehicle, i hope we have office chairs strapped down in the bed of a pickup truck

<3 thanks!

Haha, who needs the office chair. Onyx just crouched in the back of his LR and had Bing drive as MPD drifted the entire track. Made for some good video i’m sure. I can still hear Josh yelling “SLOWER!”

I’ll be coming up on the bike. Or catching a ride with someone.

:tup: I’ll prolly have a seat or two open if you need it paulo

First post says:

$20 for admission & food IF paid before May 10th. After May 10th or at-the-door, $25.

True, but it doesn’t mention anything about registration. I can see where some people took it as “I can just show up without doing anything” but that’s not the case.

You can pay at the door like I just posted today, but if you haven’t registered beforehand, you won’t be able to park inside or eat. Limited space and limited food.

I’ll change to be more specific.

lol loopholes in everything… no loopholes at my gate though! :wink:

Don’t get me wrong guys, we want as many people to come as possible!

But there is not reason not to take 30 seconds and register, even if you’re not sure if you can make it. That, or you’re just lazy like Skunk :stuck_out_tongue:

im not lazy fggt,

i told you… i cant make it :slight_smile:

That, =/= this;

Eh, there are going to be a lot of disappointed dudes then.

I like the reg before you come…

Evo is on the road now… so i have 2 open seats for the ride up if anyone needs them. BUT MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PROPER PAPERWORK or ill leave your butt at the border :slight_smile:

there is going to be SO MANY PIX AND VIDEO from this weekend good heavens

ok, just registered and payed