5/24/08 - OFFICIAL NYSpeed Spring BBQ @ Dunnville Autodrome

x2 lol :tup: to you for going the extra mile!

I make everything from scratch. Always.

The real bitch is going to be the potatoes Au Gratin as i have 30 lbs of potatoes that need to be sliced int 1/4" pieces And like a metric ton of cheese that needs to be grated. To whom ever invented the mandolin, my hat off to you!

Yeah no frozen burgers here guys :tup:

only the best for us, lol great work guys, see ya all there

:eekdance:^ serious business

I can’t go…Work owns me. I have to work 130-10 :frowning:

Thats a lot of work,

If you need help cooking at the track let me know.

Also, please remember radar detectors are illegal once you cross the border. You’re not even supposed to have it with you in the car, so just turning it off is NOT SUFFICIENT. Either don’t bring it at all, or remove well before the border and stash someplace out of sight.

I can’t verify this, but I’ve been told that a friend of mine was made by the police to run his own detector over so that he couldn’t use it. My friends fuck with me a lot though, so that could be bullshit.

I’ve heard of that happening too. I think im still bringing mine though, lol.

word…i usually just hide mine, but i might just leave it at home.


This is true, happened to my dad.
If you have an expensive radar, go buy a shitty cobra for $50 and when they ask for your radar detector give them that one.
If you see a cop, and slow down, they have everyright to search your car because they know you have a detector.
How about on the cruise up there we DON’T speed, I know i’ll be the one pulled over because it’s just my luck

The cops in canada have radar detector detectors. Your radar detector emits a signal that they can pick up. They know you have it before they even pull you over.

VG2 among others are a bitch.

most top end radar detectors don’t emit this signal,but contrary to what I think, most cops aren’t dumb and they know when they flip on their radar and you slow,you have a detector

im excited for tpgsr’s burgers

Can someone tell me if this battery tie down will pass inspection, or do I need an aftermarket one?

how long does this go til?

7 or 8 i think

can someone tell me if this battery tie down will pass tech, or do I need an aftermarket one?